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Thursday, September 11, 2014

Missouri battles over amendment granting ‘right to farm’

Americans have a right to bear arms. They have a right to free speech. But a right to farm?

Missouri voters and interest groups are locked in a battle over that very question, as some farmers say they need to secure that right in response to animal rights advocates and others that want to restrict the way their profession is done.

Missouri voters in August approved a measure that would enshrine the right to farm in the state constitution. However, it passed by such a narrow margin, a recount is now underway.

Missouri's secretary of state is expected to announce the results of the recount on Monday, and farmers across the country will be watching closely to determine whether similar measures should be passed in their states.

The question has meanwhile created a major divide that has split urban and rural residents, and in some cases pitted farmer against farmer.



  1. I equate "interest groups" with "left wing liberal". However, this does bring forth a serious issue that is building within and breaking apart America. Urban majorities vs. Rural minorities with the urban majorities, who have nfi what rural life is like, compelling an urban lifestyle upon the rural residents of a particular voting district.
    I read an article recently, maybe even here on SbyNews, that said urban areas are growing swiftly and steadily. With that trend rural communities will be devoured and have their lifestyle legislated out of existence. So, while this particular article dwells on the subject of 'right to farm' it also brings up the fact that ignorant urban majorities or interest groups will eventually eradicate rural lifestyles.

  2. this needs to be fought HARD and NOW.

  3. The right to farm? You gotta be kidding me!

    1. Yes 6:05 there is a right to farm law and you better be glad of it because I am sure you eat the food we produce!!!!


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