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Thursday, September 25, 2014

MGM Threatens To Sue Race For Recreating Rocky Balboa’s Epic Run

From the cease-and-desist letter sent by MGM’s lawyer to the organizer of the Rocky 50K Fat Ass Run.

Here in Philadelphia, it’s rare to walk by the Art Museum steps without seeing some tourist trying to reenact the triumphant conclusion to Rocky Balboa’s training runs in Rocky and Rocky II. Movie studio MGM has no issue with selling out this iconic scene to a questionable payday loan operation, but if someone actually wants to use the word “Rocky” to organize a completely free running event that retraces the Italian Stallion’s jog through Philly, well… MGM has a problem with that.

This story actually goes back a year, to when Philadelphia Magazine’s Dan McQuade set out to determine exactly how far Rocky ran during the training sequence in Rocky II. In response to his efforts, which estimated Balboa’s Rocky-thon at around 31 miles, a local woman then organized a free run for anyone who wanted to come along that she dubbed the Rocky 50K Fat Ass Run.


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