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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Maryland Cops Pounce on Man for Recording and Not Providing ID, Charging him with Assault on Police


  1. I have to take the side of the police on this one. The guy was filming a crime scene. The fact of him being there and recording it, would also make me suspicious. I think the guy was jerk anyway for doing this. Seemed like he was just trying to intimidate the police officer and tried to instigate a response. Didn't have any business being there to begin with and should have minded his own business.

    1. You must be a liberAl fool, he has EVERY right NOT to give id unless he is being detained, and as far as recording that is legal too, keep giving up your right's FOOL.

  2. If you look for trouble , you will find it. He new what would happen and must have wished for it , P.G. County is a crime ridden area in MD. What a dumb a$$.
    This type of incident with police have become an epidemic .
    It is a fact that this kid could have avoided any confrontation.
    Don't screw with the law .

  3. The guy broke no laws and was arrested for no reason, as Americans were are supposed to have rights protecting us from this sort of lawlessness.

  4. and you are both wrong. recording is legal. he was not hindering or obstructing in any way. I see another settlement at taxpayers expense yet again. THAT is the only thing that is epidemic.

  5. Maybe just maybe if when people sue the police the OFFICER has to pay the fine then maybe they would stop this crap. It doesn't only happen in other places. It happens HERE all the time. They will pull you over for a bs reason and charge you with anything they think they can make money from.

  6. SCOTUS has upheld the legality of recording LEO'S throughout the nation. Idk why you two clowns up top would think this is okay.

  7. Yup 2:03... Cops costing tax payers a LOT more money.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Yup 2:03... Cops costing tax payers a LOT more money.

    September 19, 2014 at 3:20 PM

    I wish 2:38 PM suggestion would become true. When cops are held ACCOUNTABLE for their own BS, maybe THEN they will wise up, learn the law and uphold it.

    One can dream.

  9. Obama Police....Penn guy....where are you?

  10. Of course it is legal to record cops. However it is not advisable.

    They have demonstrated in State after State and City after City that they cannot be trusted.

    Cops are very dangerous people.

  11. Would you make a recording in the open of a KNOWN criminal?

    A known murderer?

    No? Well then don't film the police.

    You get what you have coming.

    Stay away from police.

    1. well at least you got the cops are criminals part right

  12. Not sure why I am so shocked by the commenters ignorance.

    I am checking you for weapons because you are standing there doing nothing but holding a camera, and since you resisted my unlawful assault, "you are now under arrest".

    Cops bring it on to themselves and I hope this guy is now a millionaire.

    He was clearly told he was not being detained nor under arrest. He did nothing wrong. Quit supporting the unlawful actions of ignorant cops.

  13. 2:38PM & 3:40PM
    Cops have to be bonded by a bonding company, that is my understanding(legal info & interpretation encouraged).
    So, with that said, anyone in such a position as this person should not only sue the law enforcement agency and it's gov't entity but also sue the officer or their bonding company. I've heard, three strikes and you're out, they cannot get bonded.
    If more of this were to happen you would see change.

  14. Go to Iraq see if you enjoy life without a police force...idiots. you are right 4:01!!

  15. 7:48 So you go to B'more and some punks come up and beat the crap out of you for being different. Do you really think the police are going to save your butt? No the best they will do is take a statement and file 13 it.

    1:24 If he was filming outside the crime scene tape then he wasn't obstructing anything.

  16. OK. I am a police officer and normally I defend the actions of officers shown on here, or at least the lack of information to come to an educated conclusion. This officer is an idiot. Now, we don't know why he responded to the area, but he never gave the guy a reason except the recording. The only conclusion I can come to is that the officer was wrong and should have backed down when he acknowledged that he had no reason to detain the subject.

  17. 748, since when is this Iraq?

    We have a Constitution here, read up on it.

    Start your search with "The United States of America", and go from there.

  18. 8:06
    I regret to inform you that your once great Nation no longer exists. It died. You live in a corporate tyranny. You are an unwilling employee of the corporation as your birth certificate was purchased upon your birth. You have been sold at least twice by now and are collateral on this corporation's debt (referred to as the National Debt).

    You (and I) are screwed and have been lied to about the very existence of this corporation. You are no longer considered a human, but a property.

  19. 8:53 Just reverting back to our former status as feudal serfs.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Go to Iraq see if you enjoy life without a police force...idiots. you are right 4:01!!

    September 19, 2014 at 7:48 PM

    Why don't YOU go to Iraq and be a cop! I seem to live my life every day without a need for a cop. Even if I were to need one, I would think several times before I called one.

    Take 401 with you, you can watch each others butts, I mean backs.

  21. I can only say... Wicomico County Deputy Howard Phillips. Got it?

  22. Filming in public, or filming police are not crimes, or any reason for suspicion. Assaulting a citizen used to be.

  23. Gee Whiz is this the one I thank on THANK A COP DAY. One thing i have learned from reading this site, is there are no good cops out there to thank

  24. What happened in pennsylvania will happen more and more often if the cops don't wise up.

  25. Was the guy in the gray a real cop? He looked like a nervous wreck and it was obvious he was waiting for back up. What was he taking a picture of in the beginning. I have never said this about a cop before but he appeared to be a punk. He was scared to death to of the guy for no reason. What a punk.

  26. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I regret to inform you that your once great Nation no longer exists. It died. You live in a corporate tyranny. You are an unwilling employee of the corporation as your birth certificate was purchased upon your birth. You have been sold at least twice by now and are collateral on this corporation's debt (referred to as the National Debt).

    You (and I) are screwed and have been lied to about the very existence of this corporation. You are no longer considered a human, but a property.

    September 19, 2014 at 8:53 PM

    That's because a bunch of idiots keep voting for democrats.

  27. Anonymous said...
    What happened in pennsylvania will happen more and more often if the cops don't wise up.

    September 21, 2014 at 11:48 AM

    Sounds like we have a cop killer on the loose.

  28. 11:48
    There is, and maybe he will come and visit our area.

  29. I agree with 11:48 AM....

    There are too many Obama-Police that hate our Constitution....

    they went to the Obama-Holder Po-PO Academy...

  30. All the cop had to say was, with terrorism as it is today I conducting investigative detention to determine your idenitity and ensure your intention. Once you check out, your free to go. If your unhappy about this thank a terrorist the next time you see one.

  31. For all those who cry about taking back the streets this is where it starts. Must get rid of the clowns first! This guy screwed with the wrong police dept. Got what he deserved!


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