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Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Man Was Taken by Emergency Responders to the Hospital. When His Family Returned Home, This Note Was Waiting for Them.

A Texas fire department is attracting nationwide attention for actions they took after helping rush a man to the hospital last week for a heart attack.

The individual, John McCormick, 65, was mowing his lawn when he suffered a heart attack, collapsing inside his home as his family called for help. Medics arrived at the scene and took the 65-year-old, who had a history of heart problems to the hospital.

The firefighters followed the medics to the hospital, per normal operating procedure — but it’s what they did next that has them in the media spotlight.



  1. 3 cheers! If only everyone was so thoughtful.

  2. funny how cops don't do anything like this and demand respect...

    they only get respect bc the have a gun and most likely will shoot you one say like all the other innocence...

    But oh well right, as long as I have my fat ass on this couch with a phone in my face....

  3. You wouldn't see this from our losers!

  4. Must not have been lunch time...

  5. Rick Hoppes goes out almost daily and cuts grass for Salisbury residents.

  6. If SFD did this you would be complaining about misuse of time and resources.

  7. i was about to say the same thing 710am.


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