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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Lawmaker To Introduce Bill To End NFL’s Tax-Exempt Status Because Of Redskins Name

Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) announced Tuesday that she will introduce legislation to eliminate the NFL’s tax-exempt status because of its refusal to address the name of the Washington Redskins.

Flanked by several tribal chiefs, Cantwell, who is the former chair of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, condemned the team’s name as a slur against Native Americans.

“The NFL needs to join the rest of Americans in the 21st century,” she said. “It is about right and wrong.”



  1. Oh yes lets change the NFL's tax-exempt status because they hurt someones feelings.....but in the same breath lets continue to allow terrorists groups like Cair to keep theirs.

  2. thats called "retaliation" and its illegal.

  3. Bite me Cantwell!
    Don't you have anything better to do???

  4. The rampant problems in this country and these clowns work on this!

  5. Rush said the NFL is under full scale attack.

  6. Why are they tax exempt anyway? What a crock.

  7. I'm still laughing at the Cover Girl ad.A whole lot of other folks are pissed.

  8. 4:28 Why are churches?

  9. Don't think they need to be tax exempt but I 100% believe another idiot from Washington will spend more money on this crap

  10. I do believe the NFL should not be tax exempt. But when they are no longer tax exempt they can tell the libtards to screw off!

  11. The individual teams are NOT tax exempt, just the NFL acting as an umbrella organization. The NFL itself does not make any profit and distributes revenues from licensed products, films, etc. to the individual teams. You better believe the teams and team owners pay taxes.

  12. "4:28 Why are churches?"

    Because a certain bunch of ministers like Jackson and the other black guy depend on all the Government assisted revenue they can get.

  13. 5:04 - because once upon a time America was not filled with so many atheists such as yourself.

  14. her high school's team is the redskins. goggle her name then google high school

  15. Of course it's a Democrat sponsoring this bill.

    Are there any readers on here who are registered Democrats that are Ok with the Redskins name?


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