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Sunday, September 28, 2014


Josh Hastings claims he is not a Democrat, but funny he is at this Democrat meeting nearly sitting on Norm Conway's lap and also next to Jim Mathias and Judy Davis . Judy Davis is a Democrat running for the House of Delegates against Mary Beth Carozza.

Josh Hastings with Connie Strott, Julia Glanz, Laura Mitchell, Miguel Mitchell, Karen A. Lemon, Mike Pretl, Judy Harris Davis, Lee Whaley, Jack Hughes, Josh Hastings, Marvin Ames, Norman Conway, Jim Mathias and Pete Evans. All Democrats who are very active in the Wicomico County Democrat Club with the exception of Judy Davis who is their guest.


  1. Not too many people will admit they are democrats , the money and perks would stop.
    Also this is a good way for them to infiltrate the political arena.

  2. Is there any Democrat you like?

    1. Obama Crooked Mulato BastardoSeptember 26, 2014 at 2:26 PM

      Yes, Joe Lieberman. He was smart enough to leave the Democ-rat party of Liars, Deceivers and Crooks.

  3. I was told that he was an advocate of same sex marriage and that he also has a significant other. Wink, wink.

  4. I'm personally sick and tired of politicians flat out lying to get elected.

    It is now time we expose them for such lies and I've started with Hastings. He IS a Democrat and HISTORY flat out proves it beyond a shadow of any doubt.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Is there any Democrat you like?

    September 26, 2014 at 9:51 AM

    And your point is? If you are suggesting that any red blooded American should like a Democrat after what the Democrats have don't to this country then you are one ignorant moron.

    I bet you voted for Obama. I bet you work a government job. I bet you get welfare. I bet you don't pay taxes. I bet you believe in same sex marriage. I bet you don't own a gun. I bet you get housing vouchers to pay your rent. And I bet I can go on and on and on.

  6. JoeAlbero said...
    I'm personally sick and tired of politicians flat out lying to get elected.

    It is now time we expose them for such lies and I've started with Hastings. He IS a Democrat and HISTORY flat out proves it beyond a shadow of any doubt.

    September 26, 2014 at 10:03 AM

    I don't always agree with Joe Albero, but he is spot on with this lying sack of crap. This liar attended a church and told lies to the congregation and I was there.

  7. 9:51 AM is there any Democrat we should like?

  8. There isn't one in this bunch of clowns worth a damn.
    The mess the democrats have made of not only the state but the country is offensive. Piss poor excuses for human beings much less parents. The mess they have left their own children is sickening. Their legacy is gigantic mounting debt and failed policies. They are proficient only at lying even at the expense of their own children.
    Vote all of them out.
    Of course Hastinings is going to lie. A democrat has not a thing to be proud of.

  9. "Anonymous said...
    Is there any Democrat you like?

    September 26, 2014 at 9:51 AM"

    No and any decent moral principled person would say the say thing. Democrats are not good people.
    When you have a leader of the party saying publically she doesn't read bills, that's a problem.
    When you have a pathological liar as a president that's a problem.
    The list is endless.
    All democrats are guilty by association at this point. To be a democrat means you condone lying and makes you just as repulsive as the one doing the lying.

  10. We'd be better off if most all politicians were hanging by the neck from bridges and overpasses across America.

  11. No 9:51 and it's because of my high standards. I don't do not only lying, but I don't accept failures and mediocrity either. I don't tolerate it from my own family and I'm sure as hell not going to accept it from some 2 bit politician who has never succeeded in life.
    I'm results and goal oriented and driven and expect stellar results. Nothing less.
    My stance has made my life very comfortable and if more people had my mindset and high standards they too would be living comfortably and with very little stress.

  12. Anonymous said...
    "Anonymous said...
    Is there any Democrat you like?

    September 26, 2014 at 9:51 AM"

    No and any decent moral principled person would say the say thing. Democrats are not good people.
    When you have a leader of the party saying publically she doesn't read bills, that's a problem.
    When you have a pathological liar as a president that's a problem.
    The list is endless.
    All democrats are guilty by association at this point. To be a democrat means you condone lying and makes you just as repulsive as the one doing the lying.

    September 26, 2014 at 10:11 AM

    You are absolutely correct and Josh Hastings fits the bill. I know him and he has never been an honest person. He has always wanted to be somebody that he isn't.

  13. Anonymous said...
    We'd be better off if most all politicians were hanging by the neck from bridges and overpasses across America.

    September 26, 2014 at 10:19 AM

    Let me correct that for you.

    "We'd be better off if most all Democrats were hanging by the neck from bridges and overpasses across America."

    I love it when Softies play the blame game in order to defend their friends and Democrats.

  14. It's called "follow the leader" , Pelosi , Obama , Holder and the rest of the bunch have been his idols.

  15. So Josh Hastings associates with Laura Mitchell and Miguel Mitchell? That speaks volumes for Josh Hastings character.

    Josh Hastings is associating with Laura Mitchell and known Welfare queen. Josh Hastings is associating with Miguel Mitchell and known pervert who got fired from Salisbury University and another college for inappropriately touching students.

  16. Josh Hastings is sitting right next to Judy Hastings and I have to tell you I was that close to her one time and she had some horrible body odor and the first thing I thought of was Laura Mitchell.

  17. Josh Hastings – Josh is waging a strong campaign in a solidly Republican district for Wicomico County Council. Currently the lobbyist for the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy, he was previously an aide to Senate Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee Chair Joan Carter Conway. Could succeed Rick Pollitt as County Exec one day.

    The next County Executive? LMFAO

  18. This should stay the top so everyone gets a chance to read it and understand Laura Mitchell and Josh Hastings are trash and don't need to be voted on the County Council. Chop the snakes head off early.

    Thank you for posting this picture because it paints a clear picture of Josh Hastings being a lying Democrat.

  19. I noticed that Josh Hastings is sitting only one seat over from Senator Jim Mathias? Um, Josh you can sit next to him now we all know about you two. Please don't try to keep hiding it. We all see you driving Jim all over Annapolis.

  20. sarah meyers (pure evil) is laura mitchells cohort too. i believe josh still speaks with her regularly as well (not confirmed though).

  21. Look at this article found on the internet from the Washington Blade when Josh Hastings was an aid with Senator Joan Carter. The Washington Blade is a gay newspaper and it's interesting to note they had Josh Hastings phone number. This is quite ugly and perverted.


    February 17, 2011 | by Lou Chibbaro Jr.

    Md. senator key to marriage vote

    Twenty-four votes are needed to pass legislation in the State Senate, and LGBT advocates monitoring the marriage bill say they are reasonably certain that Sen. Joan Carter Conway (D-Baltimore City) will fulfill her private commitment to vote “yes” if 23 of her colleagues also vote for the measure.

    “She made a statement earlier saying that she would cast the deciding vote if the votes were there,” Josh Hastings, Conway’s legislative assistant, told the Blade on Feb. 11. “But she didn’t think the votes were there. That was like two weeks ago.”

    Conway shares the same legislative district as lesbian House of Delegates members Maggie McIntosh and Mary Washington, both Democrats from Baltimore City.

    Lou Chibbaro Jr.

    Lou Chibbaro Jr. has reported on the LGBT civil rights movement and the LGBT community for more than 30 years, beginning as a freelance writer and later as a staff reporter and currently as Senior News Reporter for the Washington Blade. He has chronicled LGBT-related developments as they have touched on a wide range of social, religious, and governmental institutions, including the White House, Congress, the U.S. Supreme Court, the military, local and national law enforcement agencies and the Catholic Church. Chibbaro has reported on LGBT issues and LGBT participation in local and national elections since 1976. He has covered the AIDS epidemic since it first surfaced in the early 1980s.


    I would say this article proves that Josh Hastings has close ties to the homosexual and the LGBT community. This is sick!! Senator Joan Conway and Josh Hastings are dangerous people and Josh Hastings is not what we need representing Wicomico County.

  22. Reminder to all: Wicomico County Council candidate Josh Hastings was Laura Mitchell's campaign treasurer in 2011. Don't let the wolf in moderate clothing fool you.

  23. Sad as it is to say it Joe lies are duct a fact in the world of moral relativism where the truth is what you want it to be regardless of whether that's a lie or not. Our public schools are breeding more democrats as we speak in a school system where Joey says blue is red and that's okay as long as Joey feels okay about himself! 1 + 2= 5 in new math because Joey says so and we don't want to destroy his self esteem by telling Joey he's wrong. It was coming to the schools and everyone said no way it will never happen now you have the Josh Hastings of the world who lie day in and day out and that's okay! Try to find a dozen people in your circle of friends who will admit they voted for Oblamo and you won't find any because they were made fools and they know it!

  24. Hope Joe exposes Rick Pollitt too. We need to save Wicomico from him if it isn't too late. His whole regime needs to be cleaned out.

  25. I bet the person who is constantly saying josh Hastings is the same person.

  26. 11:34, Every Monday morning we deliver hard hitting evidence against Rick Pollitt AND the BOE spending. Mind you, Pollitt has covered up his spending for several months now but I firmly believe we have exposed enough to educate the VOTERS they should NOT cast another vote for a man who has proven to be a massive failure.

    Salisbury News has also published ALL of the job losses for Wicomico County over the last TWO YEARS. IF ANYONE is flat out STUPID enough to vote for this fool ever again they need to purchase helmets and start riding the Short Bus.

    It's time for major change and Bob Culver at least has business experience and can drive the County back in the right direction. Pollitt Must Go.

  27. Where is Ricky in this photo?

  28. Excuse me but it seems that most Democrats support Obama and O'Malley which means they approve of liars. This guy is just following suit.

  29. Did the local teachers union support or endorse Mr. Hastings?

  30. Anonymous said...

    Where is Ricky in this photo?

    September 26, 2014 at 11:41 AM

    JoeAlbero said...

    No room

    September 26, 2014 at 11:42 AM


  31. Joe,
    I'd love a master file of that list of all the jobs lost in Wicomico County over the last two years to use as a tool to educate people I encounter everyday that have no clue just how bad it really is!

  32. ALL Democrats are running from the label because of Obama and the FACT that this country is now so screwed up.

    Hastings was one of those flaming Idiots who pounded his chest pushing for the first Black President with NO experience whatsoever in politics, that's how STUPID they all are.

    Now he claims he's not a democrat, B.S.! You are a REGISTERED Democrat throughout history who has now changed your status because of that jackass in the White House.

    You are going door to door LYING to voters and selling them SNAKE OIL. Well Josh, Salisbury News reaches a LOT more people every day than you'll ever be able to knock on doors and believe me, this is not the only article we'll be delivering about you before the election. You are going DOWN politically.

  33. Agree 11:34. I was just getting ready to post a similar comment. We need to rid ourselves of all incumbents. If you have never donated to a politician, please do so now. Republicans have an uphill battle to overcome the power of incumbency. I'm sick of seeing Pollitt use his office as a political tool and as his campaign. Too many people are either out of touch with government or just plain don't care. We need to motivate those people to vote and help us throw the bums out. Please please please donate to Bob Culver so he can reach more people and expose some of the stupid, wasteful things that have gone on under Pollitt's regime. Executive form of government, my @ss. He is not an executive, he has had his two terms. If I am not mistaken the committee that proposed this form of government wanted a 2 term limit. I think Sarbanes who was on the Council at that time and company nixed that. Heard the Dems are embarrassed by Pollitt now, but they will never publicly admit it. Point is, Committee wanted two term limit - Pollitt has had his. TIME FOR A CHANGE. GIVE BOB A CHANCE - YOU WON'T REGRET IT!

  34. Anonymous said...
    sarah meyers (pure evil) is laura mitchells cohort too. i believe josh still speaks with her regularly as well (not confirmed though).

    September 26, 2014 at 11:25 AM

    Funny you mention that because I was just talking to Sarah Meyers the other day and she flat out told me that Josh Hastings was her best friend. I was wondering why I saw her with him wearing his sticker at several events.

  35. Anonymous said...
    It's called "follow the leader" , Pelosi , Obama , Holder and the rest of the bunch have been his idols.

    September 26, 2014 at 10:43 AM

    Don't forget Jim Ireton and Jake Day being his idols as well.

  36. Joe, YOU have done a great job exposing Ricky P and his wasteful spending. However, I've heard there are still other things about the Pollitt administration that would make the public go crazy if they fully understood the "perks" some people get and the lack of accountability for poor decision making. Hoping that all comes out on your blog soon. Keep up the great work.

  37. 11:53, Do you mean like ALL of the Crown Vics at the BOE that were supposed to get auctioned off and DIDN'T?

    Whoops!!!!! Did I let the cat out of the bag? Yeah Pollitt and Fredericksen, IT'S A COMING!!!! Oh I'm so on to your games.

    You see Folks, they were supposed to auction off SIX of them and instead only auctioned off ONE. Next year they'll come back with ANOTHER SIX and claim they need TWELVE replacement vehicles and YOU will have NO CLUE how they scam the system. That is, until Salisbury News came along.

  38. Anonymous said...
    I bet the person who is constantly saying josh Hastings is the same person.

    September 26, 2014 at 11:38 AM

    I bet you are wrong.

    josh Hastings, josh Hastings, josh Hastings, josh Hastings

  39. Anonymous said...
    Hope Joe exposes Rick Pollitt too. We need to save Wicomico from him if it isn't too late. His whole regime needs to be cleaned out.

    September 26, 2014 at 11:34 AM

    He has been exposing slick rick for a while now.

  40. Vote Republican or stay home

  41. Anonymous said...
    I bet the person who is constantly saying josh Hastings is the same person.

    September 26, 2014 at 11:38 AM

    Really! Hey Dumb Dumb this article is all about Josh Hastings so don't be surprise if you see the name Josh Hastings posted over and over again.

    You Democrats will do anything to create a distraction. How stupid can you be.

    You Big Dummy!!

  42. Joe, I think this is a get the vote out situation. The donkeys are better at that than the Republicans. Many people I talk to aren't planning on voting for County Executive because they don't like either choice. We need to get those people to understand the definition of insanity. Doing the same thing and expecting a different result. THE ONLY WAY TO GET A DIFFERENT RESULT IS TO VOTE FOR CHANGE - VOTE CULVER.

  43. Everyone must vote for every Republican on this Ballot or you will lose more jobs, lose your homes to foreclosures, lose your farmland and your property rights to Mr. Moderate Josh Hastings from the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy. That's right. Mr. Hastings believes in eminent domain and he believes the government should be able to tell the farmers what they can't do with their own property. Get ready folks. Can you see Ron Pagano being his attorney?

  44. Look at that picture, Low class degenerates. All of them.

  45. Joe - it is not just BOE. What do county employees pay to take county cars home? Where do they live? How many have take home cars? What department buys very expensive equipment and have no one qualified to use it, so it sits unused at our expense? What department head drives a county SUV all over the Eastern Shore on personal use on our dime? Inquiring minds want to know this and so much more.

  46. Pssst! Hey Josh do you remember that quaint little restaurant in Annapolis with Senator Jimbo? What a nice place to spend Valentines Day!

  47. Perhaps some of your readers would like to join my new organization. It's called DADDD. Dads Against Daughters Dating Democrats.

  48. Vote Republican

    Wicomico County Executive
    Bob Culver

    Wicomico County Council
    John Cannon
    Matt Holloway
    Marc Kilmer
    Larry Dodd
    Joe Holloway

  49. Anonymous said...
    Joe, I think this is a get the vote out situation. The donkeys are better at that than the Republicans. Many people I talk to aren't planning on voting for County Executive because they don't like either choice. We need to get those people to understand the definition of insanity. Doing the same thing and expecting a different result. THE ONLY WAY TO GET A DIFFERENT RESULT IS TO VOTE FOR CHANGE - VOTE CULVER.

    September 26, 2014 at 12:22 PM

    Culver can't do it alone. You need Matt Holloway, John Cannon, Marc Kilmer, Larry Dodd and Joe Holloway to complete this ticket. Anything else would be a dysfunctional council just like the city and nothing good will be accomplished. This County needs jobs to compliment the farming industry. Mr. Hastings claims he is pro farmer, but he fails to tell them he and his organization want farmers to keep their land for farming and farming only. They want to control everyone's property rights and tell you when and where you can build your next house. The construction industry creates a lot of jobs and many of the contractors are sitting unemployed and out of jobs. That's because Democrats like Mr. Hastings and their organization the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy doesn't want farm land developed. That means that no houses will be built which results in unemployment. You people better wake up and vote Republican all the way on the ticket. If there is a "D" beside their names you better not vote for them.

  50. Bet you wouldn't say that to their face 12:26. You are nothing but a coward with keyboard muscles.

  51. Have never met Josh but I can assure you with the liberals he hangs with we don't need him on the county council. Maybe he can find Rick P a job elsewhere too.

  52. Have you guys figured out the 2 party system is a farce, yet?

    Vote for anybody not Republican or Democrat.

    This thread proves they're ALL scamming you!

  53. How come the 3 p-heads (Pretl, Pagano and Pollitt) are not in that picture???

  54. 2:05, Because they are in the closet. LOL

  55. Mitchell's husband has one hand on here, but where's the other, Ms. Lemon?

  56. Anonymous said...
    Have you guys figured out the 2 party system is a farce, yet?

    Vote for anybody not Republican or Democrat.

    This thread proves they're ALL scamming you!

    September 26, 2014 at 1:40 PM

    You are a real idiot. Crawl back under your rock you moron!

    In order for this county and country to move forward everyone needs to vote Republican. There is no such thing as a third party candidate. They are spoilers thrown in the mix to make clueless republicans vote for the third party. Voting third party is essentially voting for a Democrat. Only an idiot would vote third party or for a Democrat. You my friend are the FARCE!!

  57. Anonymous said...
    Bet you wouldn't say that to their face 12:26. You are nothing but a coward with keyboard muscles.

    September 26, 2014 at 1:09 PM

    Tell us your name and I will say it to your face Mr. Coward With Keyboard Muscles.

    You are such and idiot and something tells me you are Chuck Cook. You punk.

  58. Josh Hastings, Laura Mitchell and Mike Pretl are 3 lying scumbags that are or were officers in the Wicomico County Democrat Club. Josh Hastings is going around to a lot of houses campaigning and not openly disclosing the fact that he is a registered Democrat. He came to my house and I asked him what party he was affiliated with and he started stuttering and dancing around the subject like a little boy who just got caught lying to his mother. Josh Hastings very dishonest and is the worst one out of that bunch. He is going around telling elderly citizens and farmers that he is Pro Farmer and he even has the bumper sticker on his vehicle that says No Farmers, No Food. Josh Hastings attended a church service in Powellville recently and spoke to the congregation that he is pro farmer and that he is not a Democrat, but an Independent. Josh Hastings told the Congregation that he is an independent and only filed as a Democrat. How can you attend a church that you have never been to in your life and lie to these poor unsuspecting church goers telling them you are not a Democrat. Josh Hastings has pictures of himself on his website walking around a farm like he is really pro farmer. Yes he may be pro farmer and tell you that but what he fails to tell you is that he is pro farmer, but that is all you can do with your land. He will be pro farmer in your face, but he won't be pro farmer if the farmer tries to sell off some of his land to pay his taxes. Josh Hastings won't be pro farmer if you try to sell off some of your land to use to pay off the ever rising cost of medical expenses due to Obama Care. Josh Hastings won't be a pro farmer if you want to give your daughter a lot to build a house on for a wedding present. Josh Hastings won't be pro farmer if a farmer living next to Mike Pretl and he wants to sell his house to a developer to sub divide. You see these people like Mike Pretl go to every County Council and Planning and Zoning Commission meeting to speak against and oppose any development in the county, especially close to him.

    Josh Hastings works for the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy which is an organization that tries to buy of farm land so it can't be developed. One of their main focuses is to downzone farm land so that tax paying citizens can't build on any farm land in the county. They are thieves.

    Mike Pretl is also aligned with the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy and they will sue you for your property rights.

  59. Pete Evans just lost my vote!

  60. Hey Joe, it would actually be pretty hard to sit next to Norman and not 'almost be in his lap'. God help you if you are carrying food around on a plate, you will be accosted!!!

  61. Democrats say anything to get elected.

  62. No he may not be a Democrat, but he is a tree hugging environmentalist. Interesting he is speaking for the Democrat Club of Kent County.


    Josh Hastings to speak on climate change

    Posted: Monday, September 23, 2013 12:00 am | Updated: 11:46 am, Fri Oct 4, 2013.

    Josh Hastings to speak on climate change

    CHESTERTOWN — In conjunction with a series of speakers focusing on environmental issues facing the Eastern Shore, Josh Hastings of the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy will be the featured speaker at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 28, in the second floor meeting room of Town Hall. He will speak on “Planning for Resilience and Prosperity in the Face of Climate Change.”
    A native of the Eastern Shore, Hastings brings a unique perspective to his presentation — that of a local resident and a student of public policy. As ESLC policy manager, Hastings is involved in monitoring land use issues at the local, state and federal level.

    The public is invited to attend and participate in this discussion sponsored by the Democratic Club of Kent County.

  63. Ms. Lemmon is probably the most decent one in that picture.

  64. 2:41PM Pete Evans is a mouthy Democrat and I don't know how anyone could vote for him. He is a Member of the Wicomico County Democrat Club and he is just like Norman Conway and hates Republicans.

  65. So 12:36 PM you are saying that Josh and Jim are an item? Has anyone else seen them together?

  66. That dirt bag is taking contributions from Senator Joan Conway who is the worst democrat from Baltimore City. What interest does she have in Wicomico County. Sleezy dirt bag he is taking $500 from that Baltimore City Obama Queen who was the key vote needed for homos to get married in Maryland. Josh Hastings apparently supports same sex marriage.

    Look at the rest of his Campaign Finance Contributions and see where they came from? Follow the trail.

  67. I just checked his campaign finance Report and Barrie Tilghman gave him a check for $200.

    What a pig she is. Joe you were right about her.

    Tilghman, Barrie
    1009 Monitor Court, Salisbury, MD

  68. The unemployed Miquel Mitchell gave 2 checks in the amount $210. If the sexual predator got fired then where is he getting money from? Laura's campaign?

    Mitchell, Miguel O.
    1309 Middleneck Drive, Apt. J,
    Salisbury, MD 21804

    He also took money from Jake Day's daddy Randall Day gave a check for $150. No he's not a Democrat, but he accepts money from any Democrat.

  69. Do any of the people giving money to his campaign even live in his District or Wicomico County?

  70. Josh Hastings works for the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy which is an organization that tries to buy of farm land so it can't be developed. The Eastern Shore Land Conservancy is an organization that interferes with everyone's property rights, not just the property rights of farmers. It is a liberal organization that paints a picture of being a people and nature friendly organization. In fact it is a terrorist organization that terrorizes farmers, developers and citizens wanting to build a house out in the country. In fact this is what their home page says. "A non-profit group dedicated to the preservation of the agricultural and rural areas of the Eastern Shore of Maryland." Read and interpret what that means. It means that this "group" hounds and terrorizes farmers until they sell their land to them for pennies on the dollar so that it can be "preserved" as farm land only. That means heirs to the owners of the land will never be able to build on that land in the future. That means that the land is never going to have houses on it again. They are one step away from the government confiscating the land through eminent domain.
    If a farmer or a family wants to subdivide their land to sell off the lots as their retirement the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy(Josh Hastings) will attend planning and zoning meetings to convince the members to deny the farmers the right to sell off their land. The Eastern Shore Land Conservancy lobbies Planning and Zoning Commissions and local governments to make laws that hurt your personal property rights. Mike Pretl does exactly the same thing.

  71. I have no respect for Mitchell because she stays with that husband who preys on young woman. When a woman has so little self respect for herself that she would stay with such a loser then she is a follower and not a leader. She's a beaten down shell of a woman who will obey and do what she is told by others. This is not good in politics.

  72. Josh Hastings is 31 years old and has never held a full time job. Is this who you want representing the citizens of Wicomico County. He has no work ethics or work experience.

    Sound familiar? Does Laura Hastings ring a bell. Josh Hash mooched off the people most of his adult life.

  73. These are the clowns that have currently given Josh Hastings funding from their own campaign accounts. No telling who else he hasn't reported yet.

    06/12/2014 Conway, Joan Carter Committee To Elect $500.00 $500.00
    06/11/2014 Conway, Norman H. Friends To Re-Elect - Md House of Del $25.00 $25.00
    06/21/2014 Davis, (Ernest) Campaign for $25.00 $25.00
    06/21/2014 Evans, Pete Friends of $25.00 $25.00
    08/19/2014 Trumbauer, Chris Friends of $250.00 $250.00
    Total $825.00

  74. they only lie when their lips are moving.

  75. Agree about Karen Lemmon being the nice one of that group. I'd add Connie Strott, too. Probably toss out the others.

  76. Thank you Joe for exposing such lying trash as this little turd, Vote Republican.

  77. Joe you are obsessed with labeling people. Democrat or Republican. Straight or Gay. What difference does it make? You can't just accept that someone wants to help to improve our community. Win or lose, they are doing more than you are while hiding behind a keyboard.

  78. Democrats are about as popular as bloody stool~!

  79. How sad that Karen Lemon associates with slime like Mitchell (both), Pretl and Hastings. She is a very nice person.

  80. Anonymous said...
    Is there any Democrat you like?

    September 26, 2014 at 9:51 AM

    Anyone with half a brain would like a Democrat. Josh Hastings fits right in with the Democrats because of his lifestyle. Same sex marriage, anti-guns and land grabbing is right up his alley. All Democrat, Josh Hastings. And that picture of Josh Hastings shooting a gun? Well it's all show, notice how awkward he looks holding that gun. Those Shore Proud pictures of him with farmland? Again it is all show. Notice there were no pictures of him in developments next to farm land? Because land grabbers only want you to live in over congested cities. He is a fake. He is a liar.

  81. Anonymous said...
    How sad that Karen Lemon associates with slime like Mitchell (both), Pretl and Hastings. She is a very nice person.

    September 27, 2014 at 12:47 AM

    I do have to agree with you.

    As far as the previous comment about Connie Strott, maybe so, but she chose the Democrat Party and she is pushing their agenda as a member of the Democrat Club and the Democrat Central Committee. Also her association with Julie Glanz, Chuck Cook, Laura and Miguel Mitchel, Mike Pretl and so on. She made he bed so she can lay in it. She is slime just like the rest of them.

  82. Anonymous said...
    Joe you are obsessed with labeling people. Democrat or Republican. Straight or Gay. What difference does it make? You can't just accept that someone wants to help to improve our community. Win or lose, they are doing more than you are while hiding behind a keyboard.

    September 26, 2014 at 10:48 PM

    Joe is doing an excellent job exposing the lying scumbag Democrats like you. I find it interesting that you play dirty, but trying to intimidate Joe about his good work exposing the turd burglars who are ruining our country. Funny how you bring "Gay" into this as if Gay is now the cool buzz word for forcing an immoral lifestyle down our throats. Also admitting the lifestyle of Josh Hastings as if it were acceptable.

    Joe is doing a great job and the only one hiding behind a keyboard is you my friend.

  83. Yes he is and you are a great person for outing this flaming you know what.

  84. Josh I used to think there was some hope for you. I used to think you had a conservative or moderate side to you but clearly I was wrong. I am or was your friend and you have lied to me many times and I believed you. I was hoping the party you were aligned with was just something temporary, but thank God Joe has opened my eyes to see what kind of fraud you are. Hopefully all moderates and conservatives will wake up and realize what a liar you have been to all of us. You are disgusting and I am done with you. You will realize who it is when you notice I will no longer hang out with you.

  85. I know of several people who previously supported both OMalley and Obama, who now are saying they are completely disgusted with the Democrat party in general and won't vote for any this election. They all just out and out said that there are some really bad character flaws going on with someone if they still choose to remain a Democrat.
    I feel this way as well.
    You can't use the word Democrat and honest, ethical, righteous, conscientious and principled in the same sentence and remain credible. You can not be a Democrat and possess any of these qualities.

  86. Thank God for SBYnews. The only place to go for real news and information.

  87. Karen Lemon has to be in a party to run for her position, and being a Dem. makes sense due to the larger number of voters. But she does not have to associate with the party hacks and scumballs like Pretl and Hastings.

  88. Josh is a Democrat and has lies to every Republican and independent he has talked to. He has been trained by the best Democrats to lie and deceive just to get elected. POS liberal.

  89. I can attest and verify that Joe's September 11:39 Posting is 100% accurate.

    For those who have been publishing comments on this article - I encourage you all to go back and read this, again, as SBYnews has been publishing this information repeatedly. It should be now become second nature in your decision to get out and vote - as KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!!!

    We contributors at SBYnews are not making this stuff up.

  90. Anonymous said...
    sarah meyers (pure evil) is laura mitchells cohort too. i believe josh still speaks with her regularly as well (not confirmed though).

    September 26, 2014 at 11:25 AM

    Sarah Meyers and Josh Hastings are best friends. Sarah Meyers and Josh Hastings worked hard to get Laura Mitchell elected to the Salisbury City Council. Sarah Meyers and Josh Hastings worked Hard to get Jim Ireton re-elected to Mayor of the City of Salisbury. Guess where Sarah Meyers is working these days? Sarah Meyers is working as the Curator of Poplar Hill Mansion. Guess who owns Poplar Hill Mansion? The City of Salisbury. Guess who hired Sarah Meyers? Jim Ireton. The Democrats are common dirt ballas aren't they.

  91. This is definitely the best post I have seen in a long time.

  92. The most sickening thing about the politics of Chuck Cook, Josh Hastings and Jim Ireton is, they think what they stand for is working, locally, statewide and nationally, when in fact their policy's are and have been proven a complete FAILURE time and time again. When progressives, liberals (democrats) are in control, you see the highest rates of DEBT, TAXES, CRIME and DEVIANCE. You see the highest rates of homeless, unemployment and squalor. You see the lowest rates of income, home ownership and tax revenue.
    The truth is, Cook, Hastings and Ireton and their ilk have it completely BACKWARDS! They are not progressives. They foster, care for and preside over REGRESSION and DESTRUCTION. They DECIMATE economies, they lower standards and destroy the qualities which made America great.
    They are wrong, they are impotent and they are deviant.
    NEVER vote for anyone like them or connected to them again as they are a force of destruction.

  93. Look who helped sponsor a fundraiser for Democrat Jim Ireton. Funny how that clown claims he is not a Democrat, but his finger prints are all over everything Democrat in Wicomico County.

    W. Sue Piper, Chuck and Jessica Cook, Bill and Laura duck, Hon. Jacob Day and Liz Tollett, Hon. Laura Mitchell, Josh Hastings, Julia Glanz, Ruth and Mark Benzin and Ernie Davis invite you to...

    "An Afternoon on Salisbury's Downtown Plaza with Mayor Jim Ireton"

    Come spend the afternoon on Salisbury's Downtown Plaza with Salisbury Mayor Jim Ireton. Jim is excited to share with you all of the success stories happening in Downtown Salisbury.

    $20 Single ticket
    $35 Couple ticket
    *Pay at the door*

  94. Low class degenerates.

    Those people ought to be ashamed of themselves.

  95. Mike Pretl has donated $100 or more to his campaign. If I was running for office that is dirty money that I wouldn't accept. Notice where Pretl lives?

    Michael A. Pretl $100
    11571 Riverton Wharf Road, Riverton,
    MD 21837

  96. The Democrats are all over this boy. I think I would be a shamed to be a registered Democrat and have to shill environmentalist like this little boy. He claims he is pro farmer, but he hasn't explained how he is Pro Farmer. That is just a feel good statement that he makes because that is what the farmers want to hear. Fortunately the smarter farmers can see through him and have done their homework. Thank God they won't be voting for him!

  97. Anonymous said...
    So 12:36 PM you are saying that Josh and Jim are an item? Has anyone else seen them together?

    September 26, 2014 at 3:18 PM

    Isn't Jim Mathias a member of the Eastern Shore Delegation? Ask any of them. DOH!!

  98. This is good stuff. Wish it would stay at the top because I like seeing what everyone has to say about that lying douche bag. Keep exposing him and other Democrats like Laura Hastings.

  99. Quotes from the local newspaper that proves that Josh Hastings is a land grabbing tree hugging environmentalist that wants to take your land away from you.

    "He worked odd jobs for about five years before becoming a legislative aide for state Sen. Joan Carter Conway, chairwoman of the Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee, in 2010 and 2011. Conway is a Democrat representing Baltimore City.

    He plans to keep his job as a policy manager for the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy, a nonprofit organization that assesses land-use policies in local, state and federal governments. Hastings began that job in 2011.

    “What you really want to do is make sure that areas that are rural are going to stay that way,” he said."

  100. Josh Hastings better watch out I just saw Jim Mathias sporting a new little boy chauffer this afternoon, wink wink.

  101. This post should stay at the top for another day. Today, Sunday.

  102. I saw the Fat Blogger "endorsed" this boy and Jim Mathas. How ironic!! LMAO

  103. Anonymous said...
    I saw the Fat Blogger "endorsed" this boy and Jim Mathas. How ironic!! LMAO

    September 28, 2014 at 2:52 AM

    I wonder if Little Boi Blu is going to put that on his website as a proud accomplishment.

  104. Who the heck are you guys at SBYnews. I swear this is one of the most informational sites I have ever visited. Hardly any of the other MSM ever publish the actual facts. SBYnews is supported by factual information and their claims are substantiated by the raw facts. This is really a great site!

  105. There is no question about it. This is an important race and we need good solid Republicans to bring the economy back with more jobs. Vote Republican.

    Wicomico County Executive
    Bob Culver

    Wicomico County Council
    John Cannon
    Matt Holloway
    Marc Kilmer
    Larry Dodd
    Joe Holloway

  106. 111 and comments against this degenerate and not one comment in his favor. What a lying Democrat he must be.

  107. Funny how you see Josh Hastings signs right next to Jim Mathias', Norman Conway's and Judge Spyros' signs. All Democrats and all liars. All trained by the best lying Democrats.

  108. I was curious and I asked a good friend of Josh Hastings if he was gay. They took a deep breath and said "I think so." This was an attempt to not feel so guilty saying he is gay. Josh Hastings is never seen with a woman. Just his little boyfriend named Eddie Miller Who he found online.

    Look at this joke about the little Homo.

    Tag Archives: Jim Mathias
    Eastern Shore, Young Guns
    Top Six Eastern Shore Young Guns
    May 8, 2014 John Gallagher

  109. Anonymous said...
    Funny how you see Josh Hastings signs right next to Jim Mathias', Norman Conway's and Judge Spyros' signs. All Democrats and all liars. All trained by the best lying Democrats.

    September 28, 2014 at 7:46 PM

    I think Josh Hastings and family are putting his signs anywhere without getting permission.

  110. Reminder to all voters, Wicomico County Council candidate Josh Hastings was Laura Mitchell's campaign treasurer in 2011. Don't let the wolf in moderate clothing fool you. Don't be fooled a second time.

  111. He is a Democrat and a lying thief. Not the right person for the Wicomico County Council.

  112. Here is what is missing from all of these posts....if any one of idiots think for a minute this mess is just the current political crops fault you are sadly mistaken. The issues of the eastern shore go back a long way. This all just didnt occur overnight. Sure you can elect anyone you want but its not going to change the outcome. The shore has lost most of its industry and its not coming back. There is no easy fix for the shore at this time. The best thing for the near future is to embrace tourism, eliminate the two bypasses bringing more money through salibury not around it. Elect people who will work for the eastern shore and their own pockets. The shore needs to find new industry that will create jobs.....stop fighting progress. To the locals and born heres just a thought for you......with out jobs, and progress you all will fail to afford to live here to. Stop bashing the folks who come here and spend money.......give them more to spend money on because right now with out tourists to fill the hotels and restaurant s there isnt much left for you all.

  113. Look at that little boy in Norms lap. What a DORK!

  114. Anonymous said...
    Here is what is missing from all of these posts....if any one of idiots think for a minute this mess is just the current political crops fault you are sadly mistaken. The issues of the eastern shore go back a long way. This all just didnt occur overnight. Sure you can elect anyone you want but its not going to change the outcome. The shore has lost most of its industry and its not coming back. There is no easy fix for the shore at this time. The best thing for the near future is to embrace tourism, eliminate the two bypasses bringing more money through salibury not around it. Elect people who will work for the eastern shore and their own pockets. The shore needs to find new industry that will create jobs.....stop fighting progress. To the locals and born heres just a thought for you......with out jobs, and progress you all will fail to afford to live here to. Stop bashing the folks who come here and spend money.......give them more to spend money on because right now with out tourists to fill the hotels and restaurant s there isnt much left for you all.

    September 29, 2014 at 12:53 PM

    WTH does this have to do with Josh Hastings being a lying Democrat??

  115. This is certainly great stuff Joe. Many of us would like to see this and a few other articles reappear two days before the election.

  116. Please post this and other info on Laura Mitchell the day before the election and during Early Voting.

  117. I have been noticing that Josh Hastings and friends have been putting signs up on property without asking permission. Isn't that illegal? Isn't that trespassing?

  118. Blubber Boi Blogger endorses Josh Hastings. Wow I bet that gets him a lot of votes.

  119. For what it is worth that lying Douche bag is NOW the President of the Wicomico County DEMOCRAT Club!!

    You see people, he is a lying Douche Bag and lied to everyone he spoke to. Shame on those people who voted for this lying Douche bag.


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