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Thursday, September 04, 2014

ICE Released 169 Illegal Aliens Convicted of ‘Homicide-Related’ Crimes

(CNSNew.com) – In the midst of the summer recess, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) issued a press release on Aug. 21 concerning a letter he wrote to the Department of Homeland Security seeking details about the release of 36,007 illegal aliens last year who had been convicted of a crime and were released by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) while awaiting deportation proceedings.

The June 9 inquiry, addressed to DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson, led to the revelation that of those thousands released, 169 had been convicted of “homicide-related” offenses.

“The public needs to know when a person is in the country illegally, and who has been convicted of a homicide, is released into their communities,” Grassley said in the press release.


1 comment:

  1. Sorry folks they r to worry about saving the sex offenders registry that is slowly being torn apart in court cases across America to deal with all the illegal people who have committed crimes in their countries and now coming here illegally to get a new fresh American taxpayer funded start.
    Face it folks if they would only spend a small part of what they are wasting on saving what is left of the sex offender registry in stopping the illegals , maybe they could save AMERICA as a whole before it is too late, We have no ideal how many ISIS fighters are coming into America from Mexico and just waiting to build up enough strength to attack us in a way we never seen before and all of this wasted tax dollars used on a useless registry could maybe be used to save America as a whole before we are overcome from these nuts and ALL of us being beheaded and hanged from bridges and crosses. But I guess votes from blind Americans for lets get tough on crime is more important than saving America as a whole as you can't tell me that our so called intelligence depts. had no clue on these nut cases years ago and stopped them then or did they know and was spending the money on losing more and more court cases fighting what is left of the sex offenders registry. Its your life you decide a useless less or save the U.S.A.


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