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Sunday, September 21, 2014

I Quit. No Wait, I'm Back. Only Trust Me, Everyone Else Is A Liar!

A friend of mine sent me a message about Jonathan Taylor today. As many of you know, I usually stay away from ANY discussion referencing this flaming liberal but thought I'd address his message.

It seems, (once again) he is begging people to stop coming to Salisbury News, like that's ever going to happen. He has stated he is bigger than Salisbury News because he has more likes on Facebook as well as followers. 

Well, if that's what he wants to go by, good for him. However, for the record Mr. Taylor, Salisbury News has already surpassed 23,000,000 HITS in 2014. Yes Jonathan, that's twenty three MILLION hits. 

Now, let's compare that to your likes or followers on your Facebook account and perhaps now you will come to realize just how foolish you look. 

It has always been my goal to stay away from Facebook and Twitter. Salisbury News does NOT BEG for people to come to our Site. We do NOT BEG for people to help us. It has always been my goal for advertisers to obtain LOCAL traffic in order to give them the biggest bang for their buck. 

As for Mr. Taylor claiming EVERYTHING we put on Salisbury News is a LIE, this guy needs to see a specialist who deals in mental health. While we do NOT agree with every article we publish, we do feel it's important for our viewers to see what's out there and debate their thoughts through comments. Heck, I publish all of Governor O'Malley's press releases. Do I agree with the man, absolutely not. However, he is our Governor and I give our viewers every opportunity to debate each release through comments. 

Now let's talk about THEFT. It is AGAINST THE LAW to steal articles and present them as if they were written by the Blog owner. Jonathan Taylor has been stealing articles from the Coastal Dispatch as well as WMDT. He takes them and publishes them in their entirety and never puts up their logo, never links back to the original article and has most recently been threatened to be sued because he's a THIEF. It's no wonder he is now BEGGING people to help him out.

To top it off, now WGMD is a part of that THEFT because they are REPRINTING and airing Taylor's news as if HE wrote it. 

The second image, (above) I think you'll find most interesting, allow me to explain. About 5 years ago States Attorney Davis Ruark met with all of the local Bloggers with "Gentlemen's Terms" in which NONE of us would publish ANYTHING about spouses or children. As you can see, Jonathan Taylor will spew ANY comment with ANY lie and continues to personally attack my Wife. He then goes on to say he's changed, since his Grinch days. No Jonathan, the reason you no longer us the "Grinch" is because Warner Brothers threatened to sue you and forced you to shut down. Really Jonathan, did you read your own policy. Would you like my Wife to SUE YOU for defamation?

I have always stated there is plenty of room for the Blogs. While Taylor may not like what we publish, (as most liberals do not) we do not shove SBYNews.com down anyone's throat. We have NEVER called Taylor's advertisers nor have we ever contacted ANY of them in any way, shape or form. We feel he has every right to his opinion and while I certainly do not agree with him, I'll agree to disagree. Mind you, I have not been to his Website in more than 5 years, but I do have people who keep me informed.

Finally, it takes a special kind of SCUMBAG to attack an innocent woman. I am curious what a Judge would think of Taylor spreading such defaming lies on his most popular Website and the kind of financial damages it might bring. And, I'll add, when we make mistakes, I apologize, ask for forgiveness and place that mistake at the top of the page for the day. Taylor, well, he just pulls the article and never apologizes at all. As if someone didn't screen shot it first. 


  1. maybe HE is the one with the shower head thinking about your HOT wife?

    I know that's a sleazy thought but she is cute. :)

  2. "Really Jonathan, did you read your own policy. Would you like my Wife to SUE YOU for defamation?"

    If you sue the Blubber Blogger would lose instantly because he has no money and is a welfare monger. He reside at Run Away Bay Apartments on government housing vouchers because he conned them into moving him from the lower class Homes at Foxfield Apartments. He is nothing but a con artist and he is charging some people to advertise on his site. He hounds them and harasses them until they block him or cave in to his demands. He is living off the government and cheating them at the same time. Claims disability because he can't work, but funny he can run a blog full time. If he can blog he can find a jog for his lazy fat butt to sit at the computer.

  3. Hey joe how in the hell dies he fit in a shower? I bet he gets sponge baths ,alsi i hear he is being unvestigated.

  4. Claims disability because he can't work, but funny he can run a blog full time. If he can blog he can find a jog for his lazy fat butt to sit at the computer.

    September 19, 2014 at 3:36 PM

    Because one is disable does not mean they are bedridden. You may have a point about finding a job sitting at a computer, but, it would depend on what type of job, what are the requirements, and IF he could meet those requirements.

    I don't know him but I doubt he could meet any requirements except maybe for a scam type job or maybe a telemarketer.

    He really must like the negative attention he receives or he has no shame, or both maybe.

    I would not be able to show my face if I did what he does.

  5. Ignore him; he's not worth the effort to worry about.

  6. I would like to make this PUBLIC for ALL of you to know. I have NO PROBLEM proving face to face our hits. I refuse to allow JT to call me a liar. He needs to see REALITY for once in his life and realize he's a nobody. That goes for Ireton, Cook and the likes who support him.

  7. Hello this is jts heart speaking, am i Enlarged?

  8. Fatboy says he is taking a break this week from blogging but he will be a the Gay Third Friday tonight.

  9. That is clearly libel Joe. If it were my wife, she would sue him for defamation. I hope your wife sues him and he gets shut down once and for all. Whoever goes to his blog for news is most definitely an idiot.

  10. "I Quit. No Wait, I'm Back."

    That is exactly what Jim Ireton did to the citizens of Salisbury when he quit the city council. What a bunch of foolish morons to put him back in office.

  11. Hey Joe you should put up the picture of fat boy at the all you can eat dump. You used to post that pic all the time.

  12. I hear blubber boy has been harassing all the political candidates to advertise on his site. What a fat P.O.S.!


  14. That is the handicap entrance to the District Court Multi Service Center in Salisbury...what, pray tell, was he doing?

  15. That has to be the fattest human being I've ever seen.

  16. 7:22, that's where you go to get to the Welfare office. Needs to re-up.

  17. He sure does support those liberals. Anyone that supports any democrat now days has to have a screw loose in their brain in my opinion. I check his site occasionally but really get turned off when he starts pushing those democrats.

  18. Pretty soon he won't have free food, scraped from dirty plates at Andy's Place. Maybe he will slim down a couple hundred pounds.

  19. 10:08 PM I doubt that!!

  20. Can you imagine what his turds look like? I bet they are as large as a horses. I feel sorry for the maintenance workers at Runaway Bay Apts. hate having to do service calls at his house.

  21. Hey, we just bought a new piano. Want the box?

  22. He is nothing but a slug, I'd love to salt his fat arse down and watch him shrivel up, that POS

  23. I suppose he pushes the Liberal Democrats because of all the free stuff. He should love Obama & O'Malley.

  24. Photo taken after he had been shot with 3 tranqulizer darts.Enough to bring down an elephant.


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