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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Hotel Chain's Program Encourages Tips For Maids

NEW YORK – Do you leave a tip in your hotel room for the maid? Marriott is launching a program with Maria Shriver to put envelopes in hotel rooms to encourage tipping.

The campaign, called "The Envelope Please," begins this week. Envelopes will be placed in 160,000 rooms in the U.S. and Canada. Some 750 to 1,000 hotels will participate from Marriott brands like Courtyard, Residence Inn, J.W. Marriott, Ritz-Carlton and Renaissance hotels.

The name of the person who cleans the room will be written on the envelope along with a message: "Our caring room attendants enjoyed making your stay warm and comfortable. Please feel free to leave a gratuity to express your appreciation for their efforts."



  1. I figure I'm paid up when I rent the room. It's up to the hotel to pay their employees.

  2. NO!!!!!

    I travel for my company and they will not allow for tips, nor should they.
    Why should I tip for a room that I pay $168.00 per night?

  3. This tipping thing is getting out of hand.

  4. Let Maria Shriver leave the tip if she wants, but $150 on up for a room is enough, let the company pay their employees like they should.

  5. If I stay for several nights and have requested any services beyond normal cleaning,I leave a tip. If it is one night and I don't even see the person, then no tip.

  6. You guys are some cheap POS.

  7. What a bunch if slimeballs JW Marriott and the Marriotts heirs are paying their housekeepers rock-bottom wages and then passing the buck onto us by expecting us to express our appreciation for their efforts.

    While we're on the subject, Subway and Dunkin' Donuts need to trash their tip jars at the counter. McDonald's and Burger King employees don't receive tips so why should the employees of those 2 joints???

    1. If you don't want to tip then don't. Why are you so butt hurt about it?

  8. Just like Arnold "tipped" their maid.

  9. This should get quite a reception.Salisbury is known as the "no tip zone" to everyone who would be subject to getting a tip.Expect outrage over this post.I always give generously to hotel workers,waitresses,etc because tips are their living.

  10. next walmart will be asking us to tip their employees!

  11. Ignorant Hillbillys posting here today. It has been a long standing practice to tip your housekeeper when staying in hotels. It's a hospitality business just like doormen, bellmen, restaurant servers and valet parking attendants. Bet most of you non tippers have no idea what the maid does with your toothbrush if no tip is left. Take a guess.

  12. Most of these yoohoos have never stayed in a hotel that offered maid service. Their ignorance is showing. Don't try to educate them, 10:41. They won't get it. They're all democrats!

  13. Anonymous said...
    You guys are some cheap POS.

    September 16, 2014 at 8:31 PM

    Kiss my butt you entitled Democrat. Get a real job. We already pay for room service.

  14. This is just a way for hotels and hotel chains to justify paying low wages to their employees.

  15. Anonymous said...
    Ignorant Hillbillys posting here today. It has been a long standing practice to tip your housekeeper when staying in hotels. It's a hospitality business just like doormen, bellmen, restaurant servers and valet parking attendants. Bet most of you non tippers have no idea what the maid does with your toothbrush if no tip is left. Take a guess.

    September 17, 2014 at 10:41 AM

    It has not been a long standing promise. I bet you voted for Obama didn't you!

  16. Anonymous said...
    Most of these yoohoos have never stayed in a hotel that offered maid service. Their ignorance is showing. Don't try to educate them, 10:41. They won't get it. They're all democrats!

    September 17, 2014 at 1:28 PM

    Actually you are the one that is ignorant because you let yourself be conned into thinking it is proper to tip a house keeper. That is not the case. I work for the government so should I be tipped every time I made contact with a citizen!

  17. So the fire department responds to your house to put out your car fire or even a house fire should they be tipped?

    The ambulance transports you to the hospital should the EMT's be tipped?

  18. A police officer is dispatched to your house to investigate a breaking and entering should they be tipped?


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