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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Holder Says Voter ID is Racist, Demands ID for Ferguson Town Hall

It’s fine to demand an ID to drive or buy cold medicine. Just so long as it’s not for voting. The same DOJ hack who spent years shrieking that asking voters for an ID was racist had no problems demanding IDs in the racial hotbed of Ferguson.

Hypocrisy thy name is Holder.

Local media is reporting that the Obama administration has taken control of access to two Ferguson, Missouri townhall meetings on the Mike Brown shooting being held Monday evening. The Department of Justice has limited attendance to Ferguson residents only and has ordered ID checks to gain entry. DOJ banned reporters. In a First Amendment irony, the meetings are being held in churches: Wellspring and Pour Lady of Guadalupe.

The meetings, originally organized by the Ferguson government, were hijacked by the Justice Department’s Community Relations Service… This is the same DOJ unit that was accused of helping organize protests against George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin case.



  1. "Pour Lady of Guadalupe"? Church named after a bartender?

  2. Then it's racist to request ID when cashing a check, ordering alcohol and requested by police?

  3. And someone please explain to me why you have to provide your Social Security Number to purchase a hunting license in MD???

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    And someone please explain to me why you have to provide your Social Security Number to purchase a hunting license in MD???

    September 25, 2014 at 6:37 PM

    Right after someone explains to me why we need a license to do anything. We have given up our God given rights to become wards of the state.


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