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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Hogan to hold press conference Thursday

ANNAPOLIS, MD – September 24, 2014 - On Thursday, September 25, gubernatorial candidate Larry Hogan will hold a news conference to outline a potential pay-to-play scheme related to state contractors and donations to the Democratic Governors Association. The event follows several weeks in which the DGA has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in a false smear campaign against Hogan.

At the noon event, Hogan will reveal detailed research which shows millions of dollars in contributions flowing into the DGA shortly before or after these donors have received lucrative state contracts.


  1. Common knowledge but the common man does not know how to do anything about this because everyone in power is plugged into the welfare train. Moot Point????

  2. FYI - Jim Perdue supports Anthony Brown.

    1. Jim Perdue has enough tax break that he does not have to worry about the taxes that a lot of people have to pay in Baltimore and some of its surrounding counties


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