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Friday, September 05, 2014

Giant wind farm could deal the Chesapeake Bay a heavy blow

Maryland’s O’Malley ignores environmental and economic costs

A plan to build a Godzilla-class wind-power facility on Maryland’s Eastern Shore overlooking the majestic Chesapeake Bay is encountering fierce turbulence owing to the project’s enormous aesthetic, environmental and economic costs.

The $200-million, 150-megawatt Great Bay Wind Center is the brainchild of Texas-based Pioneer Green Energy, which boasts that the project will provide “clean, renewable energy right here in Maryland.” Initially, 25 wind turbines soaring a breathtaking 599 feet into the air will grace the serene farmland of rural Somerset County, about 70 miles southeast of Washington, D.C. In a second phase, the developer plans to add another 25 sky-high wind towers.



  1. I think it is headed to a well diserved death. The bought and paid for supporters, subsidies and high priced lobbyists won't be enough to save it.

  2. Martin OweMalley should have been on the Shore Sept. 4 at the turbine meeting and took notice of the 125 good folks who are going to voice their frustrations via the vote against him IF he gets a Presidential nomination.
    Somerset Co. would do well in recognizing the fact most of the familys are the people that built
    what we have and are STILL capable of making decisions that are good for the common good. I really DON`T think we need ANYBODY to come from Texas or California and tell us what we NEED from them to help us survive. The Commissioners of Somerset Co. need to acknowledge the fact the people I described above ALSO vote for THEM. If these Pioneer Green salesmen are NOT SANCTIONED by the Commissioners AND the voters then the deal is one-sided and they`ll for sure pay the price during the NEXT ELECTION. Bob Aswell

  3. majestic Chesapeake Bay? What the heck you been smoking.
    The Bay is a run off drain field, draining to the Ocean.

  4. Liberal Jim and Chairman Norm can't wait to POSE in front of the turbines - my take is this is MOM's middle finger to the Eastern Shore

  5. There is no nonviolent way to save America.

  6. Stop it before it's to late!

  7. Wind energy is a ruse to waste taxpayers dollars for studies going to political cronies,that's all.

  8. Chances are that the county would get little or nothing from this if it was built. Presidents and governors leave. Subsidies can be cancelled. "Green companies" go bankrupt. Remember Solyndra.

  9. Bring it on! I can't wait for Somerset county to be dragged into the 21st century, kicking and complaining all the way. Best thing that will ever happen to that swampland.

  10. Finally an article that makes sense!

  11. Somerset Residents must stand strong against this impending man-made disaster. Just because our officials say we are "poor and dumb" does not make it so.
    James Mathias are you listening?
    Guess not, cause now Jim is selling out Ocean City as being to "poor and dumb" too.


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