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Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Feds Still Studying Why Lesbians Are Obese

Update: Total government funding now $2.87 million

The federal government is still seeking answers as to why the majority of lesbians are obese and U.S. taxpayers are footing the bill, which now totals $2.87 million.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) study is now in its fourth year, receiving an additional $670,567for fiscal year 2014. The project seeks to determine why “nearly three-quarters of adult lesbians overweight or obese,” and why gay males are not.

In just two years the project’s budget has nearly doubled, growing from $1.5 million to nearly $3 million today, despite fears that sequestration could jeopardize the project and other NIH funding.



  1. Who the hell cares why. Quit spending money on stupid studies. There are many better things to spend it on.

  2. There are those of us who have isolated the specific gene that causes this.When that discovery was introduced to the scientific community those who pioneered the research were threatened with gender bias and a sexual discrimination suit.Now money will be spent to re invent the wheel.Maybe the money is too good to accept existing research.Who knows?

  3. Maybe it's something that they eat? That seems to be the reason for the rest of us.

  4. must be something they eat ...

  5. Here's a perfect example of your tax dollars in the form of grants to keep high paid government cronies in jobs.

  6. Why study the body homosexuality is a mental illness.

  7. It's all those clams that they eat.....

  8. They have the question backwards. The real question is why are obese women lesbians. The answer is that men are not attracted to obese women. So they turn to other women. And I would charge only a fraction of what the gubmint paid for my answer.


  9. Look at how much Weight Hillary Clinton has gained....Jeee-wiiiz....They are mentally challenged!!!!

  10. I eat some of the same stuff they eat and i aint fat.

  11. WTF Don't we have bigger fish to fry. A total waste of taxpayers money.


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