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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

FBI facial recognition database that can pick you out from a crowd in CCTV shots is now 'fully operational'

The FBI's facial-recognition surveillance system that can pick out suspects from a crowd is now 'fully operational', officials announced today.

Programmers have been working for three years to install the Next Generation Identification system in 18,000 bureaus across the country and compile more than eight million mug shots.

By 2015, detectives will be able to use its in-built Interstate Photo System (IPS) to trace at least 52 million people - including innocent citizens.



  1. It will come in handy when it is time to identify and eliminate the dissidents.

  2. Now I only suppose that this will be used against law abiding citizens with a healthy disrespect for the government, as the truly nefarious dangerous types will simply wear multiple disguises, or hoodies to conceal their public identities. Although hyped by the government as an anti terrorist tool, it will never identify a terrorist before the fact, only after the fact. That would make it ineffective as the tool which it is allegedly designed. Government is becoming the "terrorist" to the people.

  3. Thanks for the heads up.

  4. if it were ONLY used properly and not against U.S. citizens.

  5. More hats...more masks...more makeup. Ski mask could take care of it all.

  6. BIG brother is watching. They track your phone, car, what you buy all in the name of keeping you safe. And yes they just tracked this coment.

  7. The fact that drones have this capability is astounding.

  8. Uh, people, Facebooks is much more powerful than any governments.


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