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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

'Every black parent in the South whips their child'

Charles Barkley defends Adrian Peterson days after football star is indicted on charges of child abuse

Former NBA star Charles Barkley has come to the defense of Adrian Peterson just days after the disgraced football player was indicted on charges of child abuse, claiming every black parent in the South whips their child.

Appearing on NFL Today this Sunday, Barkley said, 'Whipping – we do that all the time. Every black parent in the South is going to be in jail under those circumstances.'

He then stated that he believes there is a fine line between spanking and child abuse.



  1. Anyone who says that all black people in the South whipped their children is delusional. Using your race is a cop out as many other cultures use severe forms of punishment. Yes many of our parents and grandparents used a switch, paddle, flyswatter, etc. but it doesn't mean it was right. As parents most of us try to change the bad things that we experienced in our childhood. As an African American you would think that the pain they endured by being a whipping post would change with each generation. God Bless this child and any other child that is or has been abused!!!

    1. Boy oh boy, do we agree on this subject 12:26pm. When you are a young parent you're predisposed to parental learned behavior, meaning that your parents taught you enough bad examples of punishment, now what have you learned from it? It serves as a great excuse for growth and past experiences used wisely produce a more mature, intelligent, positive human being. I've taken stock of my parents teachings, which was most likely their parents teaching and many examples they taught me, are the best examples at what a parent shouldn't do to a child. If we don't try to learn from our negative past, how can we effect a positive future change for our families? Stopping to think before acting, is the best tool to effect positive change in a child or adult, not beating them.

  2. NOTHING wrong with spanking. EVERYTHING wrong with beating, abusing, and going too far.

  3. There is no fine line, spanking is child abuse. When you hit a child you are the one out of control.

  4. Don't blame it on the south, Barkley. Plenty of ignorant people in the north who hit their kids too.

  5. Look at what the United States has become under the left wing liberal diseased ideology. "Time Out" are you serious. This ridiculous thought process was even attempted in the Military basic training for a time until a General had the balls to end it. A man becomes a man through strong discipline not some mamby pamby time out. If liberals get their way America will be filled with feminine men.

  6. I was spanked and I turnd out just fine. I learned to respect myself and my elders. I learned when I could interrupt and when I couldn't. I learned how to wait my turn to speak. I learned not to be rude to people. I learned to help those less fortunate by having my toys taken away and give to the local homeless shelter. I learned to volunteer and help others before myself. Nothing wrong with a spanking every now and then when a child is wrong. That is what is wrong in today's society. These children have learned to call 911 if a parent or other adult yells at them or if they don't want to do chores its called abuse. I did daily chores and tho that I learned strong work ethics. These kids today wouldn't work in a pie shop. They are a generation born with their hands out just waiting for a hand out and not a helping hand up.

  7. 1:30 That is exactly what this thug is saying to justify his violence. This kid had belt marks so bad the doctor called the police to report it.

  8. I was spanked as a child also and turned out just fine...I was taught respect, respect not only for parents but also for other people I met!! I was taught how to wear my pants up and buckle a belt, open and close doors for folks older than me, respect law enforcement people and learned to keep my mouth shut when grown-ups were having conversations. THESE KIDS TODAY NEED TO LEARN ABOUT THE WOODSHED!!! Then your major issues that are wrong in society would begin to correct themselves!!

  9. Abused defending an abuser, ain't that something?

  10. If so many black children are exposed to this type of discipline why are there so many in our prisons? Not everyone that was disciplined this way turns out to be a fine upstanding citizen. Just saying!!!


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