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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Enraged protesters in Ferguson take to the AGAIN streets and vandalize beauty supply store after fire destroys makeshift Michael Brown memorial

Tensions were once again running high on the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, Tuesday night after an early morning fire destroyed a makeshift memorial honoring the black teenager killed last month by a white police officer.

The memorial for 18-year-old Michael Brown that caught fire was erected in a grassy area alongside the road where Brown died. A larger memorial, which runs down the center lane of the road, was untouched by the conflagration.

Still, neighborhood residents who have been protecting and expanding the memorials since Brown was killed August 9 were outrage by the damage, and some were accusing city officials of not working hard enough to put the blaze out



  1. Grief does not trigger looting. I feel sorry for the honest people of this town that are caught up in this 3 ring circus. I would close my business and leave town.

  2. There but for the grace of God goes Salisbury!

  3. I guess these people are always going to blame the police for anything and everything and they will always find something to get out in the street and yell and carry on about.

  4. Got nothing to do with a protest of any kind. They all have new shoes now they need to pretty-up a little. Ghetto-Fabulous!

  5. These people use any kind of problem to steal things. It is in their makeup. You never read about white people burning and looting after the OJ verdict, or other black on white crimes that end in a acquittal of the black guy. Civilized people let the system do its job, not go wild and destroy things, or steal.

  6. Gerald got that right, these animals are not civilized, they destroy their neighborhoods and cities, then cry they are discriminated against because tax- Payers don't want to fund a rebuild in there districts!

  7. Don't just blame the Blacks for this crap. There is a significant amount of White Trash in attendance, as well.

  8. Just opportunists looking for any reason to carry out their inherent tendency for stealing.


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