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Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Employment Incentive Grant Program for Economic Growth

Wicomico County Executive Rick Pollitt and the Department of Planning, Zoning and Community Development report that so far, 30 applications have been received for the Employment Incentive Grant program. This grant program was developed to spur single-family housing construction in Wicomico County. Only 74 grants will be awarded during fiscal year 2015.

Jason Malone, of Malone Homes commented, “This program keeps me from raising prices due to increases in material costs.”

The amount of each award is $5321 and requires the developer to meet certain conditions including initiating construction of the home within 3 months of receiving the permit.

“This is our latest ‘jobs’ initiative, designed to spur construction of residential housing. I am happy that we were able to secure funding in this year’s budget for our incentive grant program,” County Executive Pollitt said.

Applications can be downloaded by visiting www.wicomicocounty.org and clicking on the Business tab or picked up at the Department of Planning, Zoning and Community Development office located on the 2nd floor of the Government Office Building.


  1. This is a grant that will benefit a builder. A grant is free money. Where is this money coming from and who approved the spending.

  2. This is the dumbest thing ever. The foreseen consequences are that the property assessments will fall lower than they already are meaning less taxes collected. There is already a glut of homes for sale. Democrats are just ignorant. I can't stand any of them. Foul people who live for the moment so they can claim a success even to the determent of their own children's future.

  3. Anonymous said...
    This is a grant that will benefit a builder. A grant is free money. Where is this money coming from and who approved the spending.

    September 3, 2014 at 8:38 AM

    It will benefit the builder and not the potential home owner. These free money grants always screw the tax payers. Yes Jason Malone is a tax payer, but he is the one making a large profit.

  4. Rick Pollitt is a Democrat and he associates with scum bags like Jim Ireton, Chuck Cook and Laura Mitchell. When I think of Democrats I think of these low life scum bags.

  5. This is the best they can come up with for a real long term economic fix,NOT!We need Bob Culver,someone who knows business.

  6. 8:47, you hit the nail on the head. I can't do anything but ask all to read your comment ten times!

  7. This is one of the dumbest things I've seen. How many vacant homes are already for sale here?


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