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Saturday, September 06, 2014

Do You Receive Free Lunch at Work? The IRS Wants to Tax it

The IRS. There are few agencies more hated, corrupt, and degraded in the entire nation, and that’s saying a lot

The IRS. There are few agencies more hated, corrupt, and degraded in the entire nation, and that’s saying a lot.

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past couple of years, you are well aware of the fact that the IRS was caught consistently abusing its extraordinary power in order to selectively target groups with which leadership disagreed with politically.

We also know that the IRS, and its former director of the Exempt Organizations Unit, Lois Lerner, subsequently destroyed evidence of misconduct by claiming emails had been lost and are unrecoverable, in a ludicrous series of purported events.



  1. LOL! As it should be. If its taxable Tax it.


  3. They left out degenerate in their descriptor.

  4. Why do people support the immoral behavior of the Fed to tax our property?

    If I eat a lunch provided to me by my employer, then I must give the Fed some of my property?

    Who exactly do they think they are?

    More importantly, who are WE supposed to BE in this system? Subjects?

  5. go after the people at the board of ed and anyone else in that school system that has used our tax dollars for their food.

    shame on them. ALL of them.

  6. we the people are SLAVES to the democrats. Give me your money your food and your guns is the democrats way.

  7. Stop paying income taxes. Change your W4 to have nothing taken out. If a few million workers did this there'd be more money in circulation within the communities and the IRS wouldn't have any where near enough resources to follow up 20 or 30 million people not paying taxes. In other words, throw the tea in the harbor...it worked before.

  8. Wonder if the Gov should tax itself or the parents for free lunches for all kids attending school in Somerset County?

    9:51 PM I don't think anyone has bothered to find out if the employees reimburse the BOE or if monies collected for events is used in funding food for occasions. That should be explored before accusations are made.

  9. It comes as no surprise to me.
    Four years ago I was audited in my carpentry business.
    The IRS questioned me about one job I performed. I did the job for a neighbor at no charge because he needed some assistance, was on a fixed income, and could barely get by.
    I did the job as a friend and neighbor - not as a carpenter.
    I was asked if I got paid anything. I said no, then jokingly told the agent that the wife did "pay me" -- a bucket of chicken from KFC for my lunch while I was working.
    He asked, "How much was the chicken? You would need to claim that. You were working in your profession and were compensated."
    I laughed at the joke, and said, "I guess I owe you a half a chicken!"
    It was no joke.
    I was assessed $12.95 cents for the bucket of chicken.
    I'm a veteran and love this country, and always paid my fair share of taxes. But I've loved America much less since that audit.


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