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Saturday, September 20, 2014

Democrat Congresswoman Blames Reporters for Their Beheadings; Says They Should Be More Careful

Well, I guess it’s easier said that done, in this case. It’s a little difficult to be more careful on your next go-’round when your head has been forcibly detached from your body.
Democrat U.S. Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, representing Texas’ 30th Congressional District, argued that the recent gruesome beheadings of two American journalists, by the barbaric Islamic terrorist group, ISIS, doesn’t warrant a response.

In an interview with NBCDFW.com on September 12, the Dallas Democrat argued against striking back, saying that the reporters played a role in their beheadings, that “Americans should be more careful.”

Democrat Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson: “They are not attacking the U.S. and we do not, and I will not support unilateral strikes”

Reporter: “Well, they did kill two Americans”

Democrat Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson: “Yes.”

Reporter: “To a lot of people, that means we have been attacked. You don’t see it that way?”



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