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Saturday, September 13, 2014

Congresswoman: "I'm Glad People Have This 9/11 Mentality Again"

In the wake of non-stop propaganda from politicians of both parties, as well as a mainstream media desperate for ratings, the American public is finally terrified enough to support another war in the Middle East. This is an unfortunate development I lamented in yesterday’s post: The American Public: A Tough Soldier or a Chicken Hawk Cowering in a Cubicle? Some Thoughts on ISIS Intervention.

With just 6% of likely U.S. voters thinking Congress is doing a good or excellent job according to a recent Rasmussen poll, it’s no surprise to see so many of these corrupt clowns falling over one another to appear tough on ISIS, using myriad hyperbolic and Orwellian statements.

Let’s start with Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) who decided to see if she could take crazy to a whole other level:

“There’s been no pushback against the Islamic State and they have made breathtaking advances. We haven’t seen anything like this since Hitler and the blitzkrieg in World War II

The Islamic State have declared war against the infidel, they have declared war against the U.S.”

Well Rep. Bachmann, perhaps ISIS wouldn’t be so successful if not for our allies funding it [9], in addition to its use of U.S. military hardware. But of course those arms must’ve just immaculately conceived themselves out of thin air in the desserts of Mesopotamia.



  1. Who ever wrote that crap critizing michelle bachman is a friggin idiot.

  2. 9/11 allowed legislation to pass that would have never passed without it.

    9/11 was government operation to steal our rights away. No way we would have taken off our shoes prior to 9/11 or let the government see us naked just to fly.

    Now the government accesses every word we type on our PC's. Right out of Hitlers actions.

    Buildings never collapsed prior to 9/11 from a fire and never since. Sorry but this was government fraud on a massive level. Our government killed 3,000 citizens to pass bills. Now you know why the GOP and DNC merged into one for a few months. They were all in on it.

    Michelle is a great woman but 9/11 was a false flag.

  3. anyone else remember the surviving families of the dead from the towers complaining they needed more money from the payout? They must have gotten it because no more was ever said about them.

    sounds like they got paid off for their silence. first responders reported hearing small explosions in the buildings, like demo charges. residue from explosives found in rubble. unexploded explosives found in rubble.

    then they were in a hurry to get the scrap metal from the buildings shipped out to china.

    no chunks of reinforced concrete found on site, all turned to dust. fires that continued to burn and couldn't be put out. molten metal flowing like lava.

    building 7 'falling' without even being hit by plane.

    bin laden allowed to leave country. id's from terrorists found in pristine condition among the rubble.

    whole lot of crap suspicious about 9-11.


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