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Thursday, September 04, 2014

Concussion: Americas Hidden Epidemic

The NFL has recently reached a $765 settlement with former players who say that concussion they suffered playing football has caused lasting damage. (source)

Although people tend to view concussion as a minor injury it isn’t. Concussion is a traumatic brain injury and people who have had concussion can suffer from it’s affects for years.

It’s not just football though that causes traumatic brain injury. Military veterans are obviously top of the list for this type of injury. Even a blast wave can cause the brain to get shaken inside the hard vault of the skull, and it’s this that causes the trauma. More than 260,000 veterans from Afghanistan and Iraq have been diagnosed so far. There will be more.

Surprisingly after American football girls soccer is the fastest rising category of teenaged traumatic brain injury according to Dr Anand Veeravagu of Stanford University.



  1. As hard headed as women are that wouldn't seem likely,but stats don't lie.

  2. $765 is not that much money

  3. Omg. We should keep all children in class cases . not to mention ban all sports in schools . we have to protect our kids from all things dangerous . kids should not be aloud to ride cars . do you realize how many kids die in car accidents?


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