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Thursday, September 18, 2014

Christie Event Raises More Than $400,000 To Help Hogan’s Bid For Governor, GOP Says

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) helped raise more than $400,000 Wednesday to aid the Maryland gubernatorial bid of Republican Larry Hogan, according to organizers of a lunchtime fundraiser in Bethesda.

Christie, chairman of the Republican Governors Association and a potential 2016 presidential candidate, told Hogan supporters that he believes a Republican can win in Maryland, despite the strong advantage Democrats have in voter registration, according to excerpts of his remarks provided by the Hogan campaign.

“I am here because there are dozens of pundits and supposedly smart people in this state who are going to tell you over the next 48 days that Larry can’t win,” Christie said. “And I am here to tell you that if that were true then we wouldn’t have a two-term Republican governor in New Jersey either.”


1 comment:

  1. Kinda scary - I like Hogan over any of the Dumbocrats running - but the big guy isn't right for our country....


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