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Thursday, September 04, 2014

Britain’s Largest Mosques Condemn “Un-Islamic” ISIS Radicals

Britain’s 12 largest mosques announced on Wednesday they “condemn” the actions of militant group Islamic State today, telling Newsweek the group is “un-Islamic to the core”.

"Leading Islamic centres condemn the inexcusable actions of the group calling itself “Islamic State” (IS), and the indefensible murders of James Foley and Steven Sotloff. We hope that any other hostages who may be held by IS will be released unharmed," the statement reads

"We urge our youth not to contemplate going to Iraq or Syria to join IS or any similar groups that spread violence and hatred, nor to give them any kind of support whatsoever."

The statement was signed by the East London Mosque, Finsbury Park Mosque and ten other leading UK Islamic centres across the country.

“Most mosques in the country are aware of the issue of ISIS and condemn them,” Salman Farsi of the East London Mosque told Newsweek.

“Anjem Choudary’s Al Muhajiroun support ISIS but they are a fringe minority,” he added.



  1. Bunch of BS where have they been x 10 yrs???

  2. Liars. Might as well had Obama as their spokesman.

  3. Remember, their "holy" book encourages them to mislead "infidels"!

    Everything they do has a longer-term goal....they act like the BORG - Assimilate, or die!

    We should not allow them the former choice!

  4. Convert or die or enslavement its in their koran...lies ..

  5. I WILL be DAMNED before i swear to the pedophile allah.


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