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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Tony Stewart won’t face charges in deadly crash

Grand jury declines to charge NASCAR star Tony Stewart in driver Kevin Ward Jr.’s death at New York sprint car race.


  1. Wow thats a shocker.....not....now I hope the media losers who couldnt wait to cut his throat cut their own....

    1. Amen 4:02. Evidently Mr. Ward was endangering everyone on that track by being under the influence.

  2. Very hard to prove 2 accidents , hunting and car racing .
    Ideal for getting rid of someone.

  3. Oh yes I did forget to include the posters on this blog like the last moron..... kevin ward using pot the night of the race..... a pot head doesnt belong behind the wheel of any car much less a race car......

  4. A horrible incident. So sorry for everyone involved. Everyone has to live with this for the rest of their lives; it will never go away.

  5. now comes the civil portion. How much is it going to cost tony?

  6. As 6:59 says it never goes away, even when it is clearly not your fault. You live with it for ever. Tony will wake up at night for a long time, even when he thinks he is past this...and he will remember. He will ask him self...Should of , Would of Could of ...Why....The parents, family, friends, people at the race will never forget....What ever Wade did prior to the race makes no difference.....Tony will never forget...Many of us, especially those of us from who have ever been on a tractor, horse , 4 wheeler, raced a car on a street race or track , are lucky to be alive...When we are involved in death,,,,we never for get...Tremendous loss...Tremendous burden.

  7. and who really cares that NFL gladiators are hyped up wife beaters
    none of these people are the heroes and living examples to children we pretend them to be

  8. The extent of the toxicology results were not released.We know what Ward basically had in his system,but there obviously was more that wasn't revealed to the public.


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