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Thursday, September 04, 2014

Biden 'We Will Follow ISIS to Gates of Hell': Will He Get that $550M+ Check 'We' Gave Them Back?

At a speech earlier today in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Vice President Joe Biden vowed that the US would follow ISIS to the gates of hell:

“They should know we will follow them to the gates of hell until they are brought to justice. Because hell is where they will reside. Hell is where they will reside,” Biden said.

Just out of curiosity, while he is following ISIS to the gates of hell, is he going to maybe ask for that $550 million-plus dollars back that the U.S. financed them when our government was still calling them the Syrian rebels?

You know, since they’re going to hell anyway according to Biden, they probably won’t need the hundreds of millions of dollars our government has financed them.



  1. Nothing but all hot air. He couldn't even think of the victims name and had to do a couple of um's before he figured it out.

    I am surprised that Obama let him speak.

  2. To the gates of hell ? This administration won't even cross the Syrian border !

  3. The US Government financed and trained Al CIA 'Duh as well.

    All terror has its origins with either the US or Israel

  4. Good ol drunken Uncle Joe. Kind of doesn't matter what he says, no one takes him seriously.

  5. ISIS is being used as the pretext for war with Syria

  6. Yes, and the American taxpayer financed them with approval from their Muslim President.


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