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Monday, September 29, 2014

Bad luck, Chuck! Groundhog dropped by NY Mayor Bill de Blasio ‘dies of its internal injuries’

Since he took a chunk out of Michael Bloomberg's finger in 2009, clairvoyant groundhog Chuck has never had the smoothest relationships with New York mayors.

But now mayor-groundhog tensions appear to have taken an even more sinister turn, after it was revealed that Bill de Blasio could well be responsible for the animal's death.

In February this year, current mayor Mr de Blasio dropped the Staten Island groundhog in front of a crowd of spectators after the animal predicted six more miserable weeks of winter.



  1. Its going to be a COLD 6 MONTHS IN NY.

  2. Imagine that, NY f's something else up. If California would drift off into the Pacific and NY could be struck by a meteor the U.S. would be much better off.

  3. Yo, he's a bunny hugger not a groundhog hugger.


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