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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Allen West: 'Islamist Sympathizer' Obama Blind to Radical Ideology of Jihadists

On Breitbart News Sunday, former Rep. Col. Allen West (R-FL) said last week's Oklahoma beheading was a "jihadist attack" and not an act of "workplace violence," and he warned that President Barack Obama's refusal to fully appreciate the dangers of radical Islam will make Americans less safe at home and abroad.

Speaking to host and Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125, West said Obama refuses to acknowledge the "radical Islamist" threat, instead asserting that "ISIS is not Islamic" and insisting that "Islam teaches peace." West said it was insidious that administration officials have met with radical Islamists, and he stated that "the enemy is here."

"President Barack Obama is an Islamist sympathizer and enabler," West said. "He will not recognize the ideology. ... You will never be able to defeat Islamo-facism and jihadism if you don't recognize the ideology."



  1. POSPOTUS wants more of these events - until he can declare martial law and have himself appointed for an emergency third term.

    We need to make sure we keep the House of Representatives in conservative hands and fire the current Senate Majority Leader as we return the Senate to conservative hands!

    Too bad Ben and Babs are in six-year terms - they should go too...too deeeeeply entrenched in the dumbocrat way to be doing the citizens any good!



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