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Saturday, September 06, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: Crime In Salisbury

Hello Joe,

I had a conversation with a Dover police detective the other day and we had a chance to discuss the crime problem we have here on the Eastern Shore including Dover. He told me he was glad he lived in the country, outside of city (Dover) limits. But what really caught my attention was that he emphasized that the Salisbury crime rate and risk is greater than that in Dover.

While I do not advocate violence or the anti-cop mentality, I see it as a reflection of the rising tide of lack of respect for the rule of law. 
When the water gets rough you have to reinforce your protection. The growing number of incidents of police taking overly aggressive actions is their unconscious defense to protect themselves.
Again I support our law officials and civil servants. Yes there are bad apples in every apple cart. However what we are witnessing is an issue of much greater proportion to our civil society.

Keep up the great work Joe!


  1. He was wrong.Salisbury is bad but Dover is worse.Law enforcement officers will attempt to envision jurisdictions other than their own as being much worse.Ego maybe? Who knows,but I have people who live in Dover and they are afraid to walk down the street at night.

  2. 6:26 There's some streets in Salisbury that should be avoided after dark, too. Whole areas even.

  3. There is a lack of respect for law in our Nation.

    I believe people sense that there is something wrong with the system we are born into. It does not resemble the system built by our Founding Fathers (or our understanding of that government).

    Most people cannot put their finger on the problem. I believe it is Statutory Law.

    The failure to understand the meaning of Statutory Law (as opposed to Common Law) is the cause of Americans' loss of respect. They sense it is not moral. They sense it is not a just system. But they are so poorly educated, they cannot explain the problem.

    Statutes are edicts issued by the government. In a statutory system it is obvious that the people serve the government, not the other way around.

    Kings issued edicts. They made Statutes and the subjects were not allowed to violate them.

    Common Law means the citizens are sovereigns. They are like Kings. So long as you do not harm another King, or destroy / damage his property, then you can pretty much do what ever you want.

    Under Common Law, citizens are free.

  4. Let's list those streets. I start with all the streets off Camden going north from South Blvd. Middle, North, Florida, Winder, Maryland, Ohio, Oak Hill, Vermont, Newton, etc.
    Anybody else?

  5. Salisbury is actually one of the most violent cities in the country, per capita.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Salisbury is actually one of the most violent cities in the country, per capita.

    September 6, 2014 at 10:06 PM

    From the criminals or the cops?

  7. The "hood" , meaning any mostly black areas are the ones that you should not go to , day or night. I wonder why a person can't walk down the street?
    Anyway , start to carry , two guns , again I'll say this , one for you and another for the dead
    man . If you don't get it , then suffer.

  8. Anyway , start to carry , two guns , again I'll say this , one for you and another for the dead
    man . If you don't get it , then suffer.

    September 7, 2014 at 4:43 AM

    You watch too much tv


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