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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

7 ISIS Facts Every American Should Know

In January, President Barack Obama dismissed the Islamic State (ISIS) as merely a “JV team.” Last week, Obama reversed that position and told NBC News ISIS is “not a JV team.” Similarly, two weeks ago Obama said the Islamic State can be shrunk to “a manageable problem.” Then on Friday, as NBC News reported, “The Obama administration said for the first time Friday that the United States is ‘at war’ with ISIS militants.”

Given the Administration’s contradictory and muddled messages, here, then, are seven ISIS facts:

1. ISIS Began in the 1990s

While the Islamic State may be new to some Americans, as The Atlantic notes, “The group that recently renamed itself simply ‘Islamic State’ has existed under various names and in various shapes since the early 1990s.” The Washington Institute for Near East Policy notesthat in its 1999 incarnation, ISIS was known as Jamaat al-Tawhid wa-l-Jihad (JTWJ).

2. ISIS is Led by a Man Released from a U.S. Detention Camp in 2009

The leader of ISIS is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Baghdadi was released from the U.S. detention camp named Camp Bucca near the Kuwaiti border in 2009. When he was freed, Baghdadi reportedly told U.S. Army reservists from Long Island, New York, “I’ll see you guys in New York.”


1 comment:

  1. yeah, and he only asked congress for a half a billion $$$ to fund arming Syrian resistance. Our country funds every nut shell shocked band of thugs to kill our own people than all of the other countries on Earth put together.


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