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Thursday, September 25, 2014

3D Technology

Since the creation of 3D printers, the manufacturing technology has been used to make everything from food to weapons. A construction firm in China is now saying that the printers can be used to create low-cost housing. The company used a new 3D printer that uses construction waste to print pieces of houses that easily fit together on site. The process is so effective and affordable, the firm was able to create ten single-story houses within 24 hours, at a cost of only $5,000 per house. And, the new homes are even eco-friendly. The inventor of the new printer explained, "Industrial waste from demolished buildings is damaging our environment, but with 3D-printing, we are able to recycle construction waste and turn it into new building materials." This new technology could provide low-cost housing and a solution to building waste, and it's a heck of a lot safer for construction workers. Considering that 3D printing has only been a reality for a few years, we can only imagine the incredible ways this technology will be used in our future.

1 comment:

  1. In regard to the last sentence,I kind of do know of another incredible way that it's being used and it scares the heck out of me.Human cloning has now been perfected with the advent of this system.When someone swears to god they saw you somewhere and you insist you weren't there,need I say more?


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