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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Wicomico County Labor Continues Downward Spiral - Marks 19th Consecutive Monthly Decline - Unemployment Spikes Again to 7.70%

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics just released its latest Labor Report Card for the nations Counties and Municipalities.  Once again, Wicomico County continues to experience a decline in its workforce.  In July - Wicomico posted another loss of 563 jobs compared to July of 2013.  The labor force has now shrunk for 19 consecutive months and has declined in 25 of the past 31 months.  This is happening while the population is simultaneously growing in Wicomico County.  This does not bode well for residents as the workforce numbers should be linear in relationship to population growth.  In order for a local economy to sustain itself - it is imperative that adequate job generation is created.  This is not happening in Wicomico County and hasn't been happening for a very long time as almost three years have now elapsed with no gains. 

Folks, we are not making this stuff-up, one can check out the numbers and clearly see that Wicomico needs an 'economic shot of mammoth proportions'.  The economic engine for this County has been off track for a very long time.

Labor Force Data By County, Not Seasonally Adjusted 
01-2011 through 07-2014
Source:  Bureau of Labor Statistics
Unemploy.Change over prior 
CountyPeriodLabor ForceEmployedUnemployedRate %years 2011 - 2014
p = preliminary.SOURCE:  BLS, LAUSworkforce
r = revised27-Aug-14

It's time for new Leadership. Just how many months/years in decline can Wicomico County stand any more. It's time to elect Bob Culver, a proven businessman to lead the County in the right direction, before the bottom falls out with no return. 

Anyone supporting Rick Pollitt at this point is a complete fool. 


  1. But the democrats don't think so. Makes one wonder what their goal is.

  2. Too late, outrageous taxes have destroyed us.

  3. Responding to 11:39

    Yeap - get this I just got my tag renewal registration for my little truck today - last time I renewed, it was 140 bucks, this time it went to $161.50.

    How can this happen? I remember when it used to $30 and now it is $161.50. I believe we should all get together and recall the Governor ASAP. We need to recall Mike Miller, Busch, all of them!!! As you can probably tell I am damn mad.

  4. Is my math wrong?
    14-Jun: 48811 employed
    14-Jul: 49430 employed

    Yes unemployment went up marginally, and the number of jobs are certainly down from last year, but it looks like there are 619 more Wicomico county residents with jobs compared to last month. Just thought I'd give my impression.

  5. You Silly People!
    You drive away jobs. You force stupid rules and taxes on business. You offer no incentives for jobs to come here.
    The only people making profit is the non working sucking off the working.

  6. Do we still have an economic development office?

  7. Rick has had his shot now move over and lets try someone else.

  8. wait, in a county of just over 100,000 persons only 49,000 are employed?? im thinking our unemployment rate is closer to %15 than whats shown

  9. 1:02 PM did you ever take into consideration that the other 51% could be children minus the actual unemployed.

  10. Please Vote Republican

    Wicomico County Executive
    Bob Culver

    Wicomico County Council
    John Cannon
    Matt Holloway
    Marc Kilmer
    Larry Dodd
    Joe Holloway

  11. Anonymous said...
    Do we still have an economic development office?

    August 28, 2014 at 12:15 PM

    Yes Dave Ryan and SWED and his ass should be fired.

  12. Jobs make nonworking people uncomfortable and threatened.

  13. 11:47
    Generally we compare a MONTH with the same MONTH last year.

    The report says there are fewer people with a job in July 2014 than there were in July 2013.

    Comparing June 2014 with July 2014 is worthwhile, but does not designate a +/- with LAST YEAR.


  14. We've become just like Detroit. No jobs, high crime and no services, but over taxing the ones who are left behind still with a job. We are the Roman empire in its final days! You can't tax your way to prosperity!

  15. 2:32
    No you are exactly right, and I made sure to make that distinction.

    Still not sure where -11604 less comes into play... It mathematically doesn't make any sense to simply add up all the change over year prior numbers at all.

    The gross change is calculated by finding the difference between the start and ending period, which would be far more reasonable, and IS clearly shown here as the yearly change basis. But of course that wouldn't show Wicomico county's economy in the toilet; it would only show it to be stagnant.

  16. Reference 11:47 Posting

    Nit-wit, you need to compare month to month year over year - (ie - July 13, July 14, June 13, June 14, May 13, May 14) Haven't you ever heard of the seasonal factor.

    Bottom line, Wicomico is going ass backwards. Anyone should be able to see that. Are you one of Rick Pollitt's buffs trying to camouflage the true economy?

  17. I hear it all of the time. I am the manager for a large fast food service retail chain and I have literally thousands of applications for one vacant job.

    I count my blessings each day how glad I am to even have a job. I knew that Wicomico's economy was bad, and these numbers confirm it. Thank you Joe for telling it like it is. Sooner or latter people will get fed up and kick the bums out of the state house in Annapolis.

  18. I work for a cemetery here in Salisbury and I can tell you that this is one industry that almost maxed out. The number of available burial plots have all but evaporated and this seems to coincide with the loss of jobs. What I'm getting at is that Salisbury is becoming a ghost town. The guy who helps me everyday made the same observation. One day soon the only remains of Salisbury will be one big grave yard that reminisces about a time long ago passed. And I ask myself each day, who is to lead us out of these ghettos? Who is there to rise to the occasion. And yet people are passing away more and more each day. Very depressing environment to say the least.

  19. There are just no damn jobs period. I cut grass, paint houses, clean out gutters, and now I am starting to work for a cater. Everything is so marginal. Wicomico is in terrible shape economically speaking.

  20. Let's just hope the people remember this when they go to the polls in November. I agree with many of the other commenters, the local economy is a train wreck.

  21. In any city across the USA that has for years has been under Democratic control the results are the same. Wake up in November people. Local Democrats must be defeated if we are to turn things around.

  22. It is a sad state of affairs, I agree. Does not look as though there is any end to this soon.

  23. New businesses! Who would want to locate in such a tax infested nest of vipers. Any profits would be eradicated by taxes, fees, and CRIME. The states environment is not conducive to entice new businesses. Until they address these things it isn't going to get any better either.

  24. I do not foresee an easy way out of this mess. Wicomico pretty well shot the goose that laid the golden egg when they invoked impact fees. I believe the County charges $5,250 and then you have to add to that municipal impact fees. I heard Salisbury is $20,000 and Pittsville is 10,000. How in the hell can Wicomico pull out! Housing always leads an economic recovery. We just keep sinking deeper and deeper. More taxes, more fees, and more crime and unemployment.

  25. I made up my mind a long time ago to give up trying to work. Between my free cell phone, section 8 housing, independence card why should I bother to look for a job when my time can be put to better use trying to get my subsidies. Not to mention the medicaid aspects.

  26. Any fool can see we are stuck in the armpit of Maryland. There is no economy in Wicomico county other than welfare.

  27. How about at this years bike week having a politician and wicomico county dept heads dunking booth.For 20 bucks and for 10 minutes fire nitrogen propelled bazookas shooting softballs at mathias,big norm,pollitt,cane,mackes and his echo wisk.

  28. I, for one, have a job...as witnessed by the hour I check in. I can tell you that if you want to work you can work. If you want to improve yourself you can get education one way or another. If you want to make something of your self and have your son look up to you...you can. You just have to have a back bone and a willingness to put what really matters first and ignore the people who make you sound like an idiot for working. It is not popular in this country for a man to be working. You are considered a fool if you don't just let government give you what you need. After all...they own it to us. This way of thinking is the reason why it isn't safe to come home to my house after I get off work. Too many people wanting to trash talk about how stupid a man is for working and then plenty willing to hang on the corner to rob me when I come in at night.

  29. 4:05

    And the graveyards aren't safe...had a relative get robbed while visiting and other items have disappeared from gravesites

  30. 1:30

    Matt Holloway? you're kidding, right?

  31. I am self employed and work 10-12 hours every day and bust my ass for what little I can make. I don't receive any benefits from any form of government and I still can't afford health care.

    Yet electric bills, gasoline and other necessities continue to rise dramatically to a point I will soon find it impossible to live without assistance.

  32. To 9:27 Posting - who said 'I will soon find it impossible to live without assistance.'

    If you can't beat-um then you might as well join-um. It seems as though all of my surrounding neighbors are on some sort of subsistence. Between subsistence and claiming permanent disability - then they moonlight tables in OC. I know they are knocking down killer money between the two.

  33. Trying to find a job, you must be kidding. First things first, traditionally in order to hold a job a community has to first have viable businesses. What viable businesses are there remaining in Wicomico. I used to work at Dresser, they are gone, then I went to work at Crown, and they shut down. So finally I got on at American Paving - and they pulled the plug. Businesses, what businesses!!! There are none and the few that are remaining have thousands upon thousands of applications to pool from. It has now been almost 3 years since I held my job at American Paving and I have been cutting grass to exist. Once my unemployment ran out - and I must say that I was luckily to have been drawing it for the maximum - 99 weeks or almost 2 years, and I have been cutting grass and pruning shrubs ever since. I even re-coat black top driveways, some of which I had previously put in and that industry is even getting scant. Bottom line - there are few jobs in and around Wicomico. Very few.

  34. As for myself I prefer Wic, Maryland Unemployment, Indepedence Cards, section 8 housing, Obama phones, and free health care. What else does anyone need. The Independence balances roll over so if you need a little cushion, go easy on it and the unspent balance will roll over into the next month.

  35. To 3:11 - People like you are the root cause of the US going to hell in a hand-basket. 20 trillion dollars in hock - sooner or latter someone is going to have to pay the piper. And pretty soon it is going to happen.

  36. Can't be....Wicomico is run by democrats, who of course have all the answers.

    The Unemployment Rate should be 2%

  37. It's always someone else's fault.

  38. If you have the right attitude and are willing to work you will be successful.

    It's curious to me how many people depend on the government but then throw the 'liberal' label around at others so freely

    If you are not a democrat you believe in personal responsibility.

  39. I would love to be a fly on the wall when the real news is reported about how deep the US is actually in debt.

    Why do you think the administration doesn't want to have an audit. I'll bet you my bottom dollar that the liabilities far outweigh our country's assets. The fiscal budget has been so out of whack so long that it is already to late to turn this ship around.


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