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Sunday, August 03, 2014

What Will Happen First, An Economic Collapse or Martial Law

What will happen first? Will we fall under the specter of martial law and all that entails? Or, will we experience an economic collapse prior to martial law?

In the present state of affairs, it is very easy to focus on the invasion of America through our Southern border as the Fifth column insurgents make their way into the country in the form of MS-13 as they prepare to wreak havoc on any opposition to the coming takeover. We are also focused on the presence of unscreened immigrants coming into our country and who are failing to be screened for very serious health conditions such as Ebola. It easy to become fixated on things like the NDAA and unconstitutional, permanent detention. We are very focused on the shoot down of MH-17 and preparing for war with Russia. However, what we should be focusing on is the economic collapse which has already began.

Before we continue with the analysis of what comes first, let’s interject some common sense into this analysis. The global elite need a horrific war to rid themselves of the old system and usher in the new system. Out of chaos comes order. This will set into motion the depopulation agenda that will accompany this coming martial law and World War III. We know the globalists seek to maximize profits at every turn. Therefore, one should ask themselves the question, “How can they globalists make the most money as they usher in the New World Order? The answer is simple, if they want to realize maximum value for their efforts, they should steal as much money from the American people as possible, before collapsing the economy.

Why An Economic Collapse Will Happen First


  1. Economic collapse, this is OBAMAS plan why do you think they have opened our borders ???

  2. Collapse first. It's obvious that only less than half the population is keeping up with the outrageous corruption in our oversized government, so if a revolution would arise now, half the population would be inactive or just into random rioting, which patriotic conservatives would be opposed to.

    Once collapse happens, it will force the issue with the welfare crowd, and the SHWHTF.

    I'm hoping for next week.

  3. Again, folks, you don't have to live this way. We love you and we want you to be well. Paranoia is a treatable disease. Run, don't walk, to your nearest psychiatrist. They have some prescriptions that will make you feel so much better.

  4. 7:57 that's right, when collapse happens the welfare people will feel it first, they will become what some call zombies, the rest of us better be armed and ready for them, once they rob the food stores our homes will be next. This has been the NWO plan for sometime now, then that's when martial law will come in. People better get ready it is going to happen, so get your eyes off the idiot box (t.v) get on your pc and research everything they do and plan is in plain sight.

  5. 8:30 You have a good sense of humor.

  6. 8:30 is the worst kind of cynical
    A hole. The willfully naive kind.
    He just keeps watching Scott Pelley, Matt Lauer and Chris Matthews thinking everything is just peachy.
    Fortunately it's the crapwipes like him that will be victimized by the mobs first!

  7. Economic collapse will bring about martial law. But, it will be for naught, American will fight martial law. Those who support the tyrannical gov't and press martial law or have only paper as tender will be lost to depopulation. It will be far, far worse then any battles in the War of Northern Aggression. For, not only will neighbor slay neighbor but and outside force will most likely use this as cover to invade.
    Those who have collected and stored food, guns, gold, and ammo will be able to defend themselves and retaliate against the aggressor gov't and invader. Particularly after capturing National Guard or other military armories and supply depots. Collectively the prepared survivors will eventually denude the elitist aggressors for, more then 50% of the armed forces will not support the regime and those that do will probably be defending it from a foreign invader. Those people who do manage to survive will have to deal with health epidemics, shortages of medical supplies, infection, death of loved ones that just one year before could have been cured with antibiotics and the many, many other scenarios that will evolve.
    How'm I doin' so far....? Do ya get the reality I'm tossin' at ya?

  8. Willfully ignorant "glow"sticks.

  9. I couldn't hear you 8:30... Oh no wonder ... your heads in the sand.

  10. 12:26 talks about reality. lol, come back to it.

  11. 12:10PM
    12:26AM presents a likely chain of events and it is quite possible that martial law will produce such a war. What is your vision? Everyone sitting around a campfire singing?

  12. Just read the bible---it'll tell
    you what's to happen. It's not
    been wrong in all these years!!

  13. In case you haven't noticed, we are already under Martial Law. Did you not see Ob' state that he is running the country by presidential edict.??? This the new definition of martial law.

  14. Best advice:

    Get ready to look out for your family and friends when an economic collapse takes place. That means stock food, water, clothing, heat, light, batteries. You should arm yourself as best you can. Make friends. Stick together. Let the strong protect the weak. Let the weak cook the meals.

    You know the drill.

  15. 8:30,spoken like a true liberal probably works for the government in some fashion.

  16. What will happen is what is currently happening in some European countries. Austerity, pension cuts, lower standard of living. Slow motion meltdown is happening right now. Our Wealth is being transfered to asia and our elected leaders and the media will not speak the truth.

  17. Hungry is hungry, no matter European, Indian, American or otherwise....the same goes for "desperate"....together, they are BIG trouble.
    The big difference is the Europeans have surrendered their ability to TAKE what they want, and to protect themselves against those who would be doing some of that taking.
    12:10 thinks it could NEVER happen here. He wasn't in school when they were teaching about the Great Depression (yup, right here in the USA!). Remember, the conditions that led up to that terrible time are also present NOW, and often in stronger terms.
    He thinks everyone will just share what they have, open their doors to whomever wants to come in, and hug.
    He won't last long maybe not even to the end of the day.
    The effect of printing 80 BLLION dollars a month to prop up the economy can't -- and won't -- go on forever.
    That is, unfortunately for many of you, a very sad and frightening FACT.
    If it makes you feel any better, though,
    keep cheering.


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