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Friday, August 01, 2014

What Are The Odds?

So its late at night, you're sitting on your couch enjoying a good show on TV and all of a sudden, BAM! 

Not only did a car wreck on your property, this car missed ALL of the BIG trees and get this, drove straight through the trailer you had up for sale in the front yard. 

That's right, this woman didn't hit a single tree. The best part of this story... TRAILER SOLD! The Insurance Company will be paying top dollar for this puppy.


  1. Drive through Obama Bk.

  2. Sounds like some good luck there...

  3. hope the driver was ok...

  4. Just proves that women can drive! She didn't hit any tree and sold a trailer for them. lol

  5. I think a little duct tape would probably fix it up all snazzy? One of a kind?

  6. lol I seen this the other day. I thought someone was pulling the trailer and wrecked in their yard. lol

  7. 4:01 You seen it, or, you saw it?

  8. Ya know I really hope the lady is ok but otherwise - this story is wayyyy tooo funny!!! Omg!!!

  9. Hope you enjoy paying higher insurance rates!

  10. Pretty certain her insurance will be paying!

  11. Plus, a trailer parked in a yard is probably covered under the home owner's or renter's policy, as opposed to auto insurance!


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