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Monday, August 18, 2014

WATCH LIVE: Obama to speak on Iraq and Ferguson

President Obama to speak on Iraq crisis and situation in Ferguson at 4:00 p.m. ET. Watch live on Fox News and FoxNews.com.


  1. If i had a son he would look like BIG MIKE.

  2. like anyone really cares what this lame duck golfer has to say

  3. what he going to do? play us a tune on his fiddle... as Rome burns Rome...too late fool..damages done thanks for nothing...dont you have a comnunity to disorganize?? Oh thanks right your hope has the world a changing alright.. into HELL with your master

  4. Keep them Divided..create hostilty ...foster ignorance ...its their Mantra..you better be ready...youve seen what could happen if you resist..our government the NWO HAMMER


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