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Saturday, August 09, 2014

Washington Pot Sales Reach $3.8M In 1st Month

SEATTLE — During the first month of legal marijuana sales in Washington state, stores sold just under $3.8 million, which is expected to bring in more than $1 million in state taxes, the state reported on Friday.

Although licenses have been issued for about 40 stores, only 18 were selling pot in July, and 16 of them have reported sales so far in August.

“It’s off to a healthy start, considering that the system isn’t fully up and running yet,” said Brian Smith, a spokesman for the Washington Liquor Control Board.



  1. "Its off to a HEALTHY start". How about that. The liberal mindset.

  2. yeah, 3:26, tell that to Ron Paul, a conservative physician.

  3. Other states will follow in short order

  4. Maryland will be last to recognize the profits to be had.

  5. The Washington "Post" is jealous!

    Hey, it's just a letter off!

  6. 1 million in taxes from 3.8 million in sales. If the oil companies made that percentage they would be evil. Over 25% for doing nothing.

  7. I have no idea how long it takes to grow pot. Maybe someone could educate me on that. What I wonder is how they were able to sell that much. Where did they get all the pot from in such a short amount of time.

  8. Hey weed smokers if you think your going to get away driving weed stoned your time is UP there is a test that now will be done if your stoned it's called a SWAB OF THE MOUTH join our drunk club...if you got this far in the article...


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