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Friday, August 08, 2014

US launches second round of airstrikes on targets in northern Iraq, official says

The US launches a second round of airstrikes on targets near Irbil, Iraq, The Associated Press reports, citing a US official.



  1. I agree that this move had to be done. It's a shame it took so long. However, let's not go in and strike a few targets and back off. My vote is to destroy them. If we don't they will be right back.

    1. DRONE DRONE DRONE 24/7 anyone who wave a Black flag.

  2. Go heavy duty or don't go at all!

    If you don't completely destroy your enemy - they will rebuild and return even stronger.

    1. 1000% correct but our Muslim prez waited to long as usual re GOLFING.

  3. Go in heavy or go in light; Next year, guess what they will be killing each other again! And again! For the next thousand years.

    You might as well put it on your calendar as a daily item for the next 4,000 years, so you will be able to keep up.

    So, why are we trying to do what there?

  4. Where is the rest of the free world. We are NOT the world's police.


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