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Sunday, August 03, 2014

Troops Told To Refrain From Eating, Drinking In Front Of Muslims

Do not eat or drink in front of Muslims, and learn more about their religion.

That’s the directive that has gone out to active duty military personnel at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, a Department of Defense medical and graduate school in Bethesda, Md.

The brigade commander sent an email to military personnel at the facility last month – just before the start of Ramadan – advising them to show respect to Muslim colleagues.

“This is a period of great personal restraint and commitment in addition to renewed focus on worship,” Brigade Commander Col. Kevin Glasz wrote. “I’d like to encourage you to learn just a little more about this religion, but more importantly, I’m asking you to be considerate and do not consume food or drink in front of our Muslim colleagues; it is a simple, yet respectful action.”



  1. um. well, if the muslim chooses not to eat or drink, that is up to them. how about THEM being respectful of those of US who do not practice their religion. unreal.

  2. They do not use Toilet paper but wipe their butts with their hands....So before they EAT them Chicken Wings....make sure your hands have no hitch hiker's on them.

  3. I would tell Col Glasz to kiss my ass.

  4. Hell on them...Eat More PORK in front of them and drink more WHISKEY in front of them and if they don't like it . Then we can nuke them and get rid of all the WORLDS problems as it seems all the issues anymore is coming from the middle east and if we level it then issues are gone and then we can deal with all the illegals.

  5. There's a Mosque on Jersey road good place for a picnic.

  6. Bacon and sausage breakfast sandwiches. pulled pork bbq for lunch, pork chops at dinnertime! All at the picnic table closest to the Mosque! Heck, we'll just bring our own!

  7. I remember flying into the Middle East in my Air Force days and being told to refrain from drinking even water, smoking, chewing gum, etc, while waiting at the lobby to check in to our hotel.
    In order for us to go have breakfast, lunch, etc. we had to do so behind curtains, in a room at the very top floor, not the usual restaurant downstairs.

  8. The Muslims in Salisbury are kind and quiet. I cannot believe the disgusting comments I am seeing here about our local Muslims.

    1. They're all nice till they hit the easy button

  9. mack said...
    Hell on them...Eat More PORK in front of them and drink more WHISKEY in front of them and if they don't like it . Then we can nuke them and get rid of all the WORLDS problems as it seems all the issues anymore is coming from the middle east and if we level it then issues are gone and then we can deal with all the illegals.

    July 30, 2014 at 6:04 PM

    Did you ever learn to construct a sentence?

  10. 8:31 you are soooo naive!
    Wake up and smell the camel dung!
    These people couldn't give a crap about you. You are the infidel, you must convert or die. They will slowly condition you to believe they are peaceful, benevolent people all the while planning to slit your throat and put your head on a stick when they gain a majority.
    Do you even realize how many Christians they have killed around the world? Do you realize it was the faithful of Islam that supported Hitler in Berlin?
    You're a fool.

  11. 9:12, I am not naive. There are radical Muslims and there are regular Muslims, just like there are extremists in other religions.

    Do you want people judging you based on Westboro Baptist Church members?

    It is not right to bring the radical hate from over there to our own streets, attack peaceful people and turn them into what you describe. Even in the Middle East, there are reasonable Muslims speaking out against this radical stuff, at the risk of their own lives.

  12. Now your trying the typical leftist B.S. revisionist history 9:40. There are no Muslims speaking out! Your comparison is ridiculous and idiotic!! Westboro congregation (nuts though they are) are NOT beheading people! Westboro does not advocate the extermination of non muslims like Islam does per the Koran!
    Fools like you are the problem, not the solution!

  13. since 99.99% of our military men and women DON'T follow Islam, WHO CARES!!! they should be able to eat and drink ANYTHING they want when they want. PERIOD

    the nerve of our DOD and Pentagon. Tell the faux commander in chief to go back to Kenya and leave the rest of us alone.

  14. Get it through your heads. We don't care what the muslins wish. They can go eff. "Sensitive" that! Now to deny troops their food. Are you outta your minds?

  15. I'm up for a ham and cheese hoagie!
    Someone open a quiznos or subway right across from the mosque....then we can go sit in the parking lot and lunch out.

  16. 9:40 If they became a majority they would turn this country into an Islamic sesspool like they are doing in Europe. If you are a woman you would become a head covered cow with mutilated genitals. If you are a man you would feel the need to kill anyone that does not worship your false god. WAKE UP don't be a bleeding heart fool.

  17. To 8:31...One tenet of Islam is "make your enemy your friend until you are strong enough to overpower him."
    And yes there are "good" muslims-and they just stand by quietly while the radicals murder non-muslims; just as there were "good" Nazis who stood by while unimaginable horrors occurred on WWII. Quit being so uninformed and naive.

  18. Muslims DEMAND to be respected while they respect NOBODY else.

  19. "Do you want people judging you based on Westboro Baptist Church members?"

    Your basis for comparison tells the whole story. The Westboro bunch are about as offensive as Christians get. Maybe you can tell me, 9:40 - when did they kill hundreds of people in one day in the name of their religion? Your Muslim friends are quite good at that.

  20. Good point 1:15
    You also will see millions of Christians that stand up against WBC and protest to what they are doing is wrong. How many times have you seen muslims protesting against other musilms?

    1. NONE bc there all terrorist sypathyzers .

  21. Eat more pork SCREW THEM WE ARE IN AMERICA not a radical Muslim cave.


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