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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Trayvon Martin’s Mom: ‘If They Refuse to Hear Us, We Will Make Them Feel Us’

Sybrina Fulton is the mother of Trayvon Martin and the founder of the Trayvon Martin Foundation. In a letter to the family of Ferguson teen Michael Brown written exclusively for TIME, Fulton reflects on what the families now share.
To The Brown Family,

I wish I had a word of automatic comfort but I don’t. I wish I could say that it will be alright on a certain or specific day but I can’t. I wish that all of the pain that I have endured could possibly ease some of yours but it won’t. What I can do for you is what has been done for me: pray for you then share my continuing journey as you begin yours.

I hate that you and your family must join this exclusive yet growing group of parents and relatives who have lost loved ones to senseless gun violence. Of particular concern is that so many of these gun violence cases involve children far too young. But Michael is much more than a police/gun violence case; Michael is your son. A son that barely had a chance to live. Our children are our future so whenever any of our children – black, white, brown, yellow, or red – are taken from us unnecessarily, it causes a never-ending pain that is unlike anything I could have imagined experiencing.



  1. "senseless gun violence"??... really???

  2. Oh please, this woman's opinion is of no value to anyone. couldn't even keep her own kid under control as evidenced by his social media postings. if she cared about him in life as much as she does in death he would still be alive today. The payoff wasn't as lucrative while he was alive though.
    She will rot in hell.

    1. So, You judge who goes to heaven or hell? List your phone number, I'd like to get in a few words in favor of my Dad going to heaven.

  3. Raise your children better, and they won't become criminals and end up dead, or in jail. That can be said to a lot of people around here. And, it's not just one race... all races, all socio-economic backgrounds.

  4. You don't need my phone number for that 1:03. Tell your father to change any hypocritical ways right now immediately and pray for forgiveness from past sins and he most likely will see the pearly gates.

    1. Why wait for God's judgement since you are so quick with yours?

  5. I personally agree with @1:38 if more people would take care of their children, raising them correctly, then alot of this would never happen! As far as I see this letter, it was designed to START EVEN MORE CRAP! If this woman was SINCERE at all she would have written the letter and personally mailed it to Mrs. Brown instead of writing it for TIME. Shame on TIME for even buying into this crap! There are MAJOR things going on DUE to this, and TIME decides to feature a LETTER!

  6. Just another thug dead. Why all the fuss. Really.

  7. Sure they will feel ya...checking to see if you still have a pulse!!!!

  8. You lost get over it.

  9. where is the black outrage over the knockout game????

  10. Her ranting's actually could be classified as "Terroristic Threats", and she should be locked up!

  11. Another reason why I don't read Time.


  12. And I can show you how to set up a foundation to cash in on your thug kid. Better than an annuity, and you'll be living large.

  13. Keep milking it.. This thing is good for a lot more money yet. And the stupid media are following along like sheep.

  14. White people need to wake up and see the truth black people want this war.

  15. What would be said if a black officer shot a white man!!

  16. I really feel sorry for the decent black people in this country that work and raise their children to be decent. I feel sorry that no matter what a decent young black man will accomplish in his lifetime he will forever be judged by his "risk factor." Is he a risk of going off like the rest of them? All of white America will be waiting. I am sickened by what is going on.

  17. 9:14 You are kidding right?
    People are really worried that Dr Ben Carson is going to go "off like the rest of them."
    or Colin Powell
    or I'm really sitting around as I'm sure all the whites of Pocomoke are worried Police Chief Kelvin Sewell is going to go "off like the rest of them."
    Or Worcester County Sheriff's Dale Smack.
    Your statement is stupid beyond belief.

  18. From one dead thug's mother to another dead thug's mother.

    I can't care to read it.


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