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Monday, August 11, 2014

Tony Stewart Threatened To Run Over Driver 2 Years Ago Following Wreck

CANANDAIGUA, N.Y. (CBS Tampa/AP) — The collision was as common as any in racing. Kevin Ward Jr.’s car spun twice like a top, wheels hugging the wall, before it plopped backward on the dimly lit dirt track.

In a sport steeped with bravado, what happened next was another familiar, but treacherous, move: Wearing a black firesuit and black helmet, the 20-year-old Ward unbuckled himself, climbed out of the winged car into the night and defiantly walked onto the track at Canandaigua Motorsports Park.



  1. There were people in the stands filming this race one would assume.Thus far we have only seen the one video.When more come forward,possibly with additional angles who knows?

  2. I agree with 12:45, different angles with help. Seems odd you can hear him ( or another car maybe) speed up.

  3. Story quote: Ward was standing to the right of Stewart’s familiar No. 14 car, which seemed to fishtail from the rear and hit him. My Comment: After driving a ten wheeler for many years, decades ago, I know for a fact that as you are about to pass closely by an object, like a car, if you do a quick snatch on the steering wheel to the left and back to center, the right ass end of your truck wheels will wipe off most of the side chrome/trim of the car you are just passing. You will see it flying in your right side mirror. This could easily have been an accident or the opposite, intentional, but his earlier threat, is going to hurt him in the eyes of other knowledgeable race car drivers, for the rest of his life, regardless of the legal outcome. Considering that Stewart just bumped him intentionally, caused the accident, his anger still present, I think he seized the moment when Ward gave him the finger as Stewart went by and the outcome was more than Stewart had actually expected, Death. I don't think he really wanted to kill him but hurt him, .....absolutely YES!

  4. I'm surprised more amateur
    video hasn't surfaced.

  5. This quote was in reference to a wreck between Stewart and Matt Kenseth. There was some back and forth, Kenseth accused Stewart of "running him over", and Stewart said that he would run him over every chance he got. Meaning in their vehicles, on the track. Trying to compare this to what happened is media sensationalism at its finest. And I am not a Stewart fan at all.

  6. I seen the video Stewart aimed at him Period.

  7. 3:23 you seen it, or, you saw it?

  8. Suicide by motor vehicle.

  9. I wonder if any of you armchair race car drivers have any idea what it takes to drive a sprint car??? If your going to bash an innocent man at least have your story straight. Sprint cars are designed to turn left and only left. The cars have no neutral, and what power steering they have is above 4000 rpm. It was a tragic accident nothing more. This young man made a foolish mistake....tony had less then 3 seconds to do anything and sadly it wasnt enough. If you knew anything about Mr stewart this isnt who he is and he will have to live with it for the rest of his life.

  10. 7:15pm - The sprint car I drove for 5 years could make a right turn or I would have never made it into the pits! The was under caution and others cars made it by him standing on the track fine. Stewart is a hot head and was trying to send the guy a message and this is what happened. I don't think he tried to kill him but look what happen. The road rage drivers on the highway never means to kill someone but it happens. Plus I was a Stewart fan until now.

  11. I told you twice last night that he ran over Kevin Ward intentionally

  12. Most of NASCAR's fan base know Stewart's temperament, on and off the track, and it fits hand in glove with his intentionally causing this young man's death. Anyone who has followed NASCAR for any length of time has seen and heard his self righteous, me above all else, actions and threats on asphalt and in particular on dirt tracks ever since he started. He has been and will continue to be a cocked gun ready to fire. And, in this case has caused the death of a fellow race car driver, I believe intentionally. You will have a hard, hard time convincing me otherwise. For, he has made that threat before.
    I, as one NASCAR fan, intend to contact any of Stewart's and probably Stewart-Haas's entire sponsorship, and let them know, in no uncertain terms, that I WILL NOT be supporting their furthering of this criminal's career any longer and WILL do all I can to encourage the same from anyone I can.


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