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Friday, August 08, 2014

Toddler Squeezes Through White House Fence

WASHINGTON (AP) -- It's usually someone jumping over the White House fence that causes Secret Service agents patrolling the grounds to scramble.

But on Thursday night, a toddler slipping through slats in the gate caught the eyes of the gun-toting officers who are charged with protecting the president.

Secret Service spokesman Edwin Donovan said the child was returned to his parents. Neither the boy nor his parents were identified.



  1. So what? There's a person living there with the IQ of a toddler.

  2. An iq of a toddler yet he is president. What is your job and what are you doing 8:03 am?

  3. Terrorist toddler from ISIS AND HAMAS.

  4. He is in the white house due to voters with toddler IQ's voter for him.


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