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Monday, August 18, 2014

Today's Survey Question

Should Police Have To Wear Cameras 
And Have Dash-Cams?


  1. Yes and allow the data captured to be used as evidence by any involved party....not just the police.

    The police need to held accountable for their actions!

  2. Totally agree. Today's local paper stated that Chief Dipino, late of OCPD, now Chief in Sarasota wants officers to wear cameras. Might cause the misfits of LEOs to behave them selves and it would protect them from false accusations

  3. Yes for there protection of false statements. If I was a cop I wouldn't want to go out with out it.

  4. It would definitely be in their best interest...especially with certain high profile cases that get out of hand. Of course some people probably wouldn't believe what they saw anyway.

  5. It's in everyone's best interest. Video with audio. We have the technology.

  6. So should Doctors, Bloggers, Politicians,Teachers. Idiots no. There are 500,000 cops in this country. In the last year maybe 200 of them acted criminally. Fire them, lock them up. Leave the good cops to do the job.

    More teachers, preachers, lawyers, and politicians per capita commit crimes. Cameras wont fix it. The police need to fix the police period

  7. YES...a million times YES. With an impartial company to review all video and issue new camera equipment when needed.

  8. Yes. It holds all parties accountable. This is common sense.

    In areas that have enacted this policy reports of police abuse have dropped dramatically.

    I think that this would be a worthwhile way to spend some of their budget. And it will lead to a better community.

  9. Yes. This would keep everyone honest; the police, the victim, the suspect. Good evidence for court.

  10. 11:18AM
    The vocations that you're comparing cops to is an absurd argument. These people don't have the authority to ruin, nor take, a person's life within their scope of profession. I agree with one point you're making, though. "The police need to fix the police.." And, cameras will go a long way to help that come to pass.

  11. 11:18 got his stats from that famous book the police use all the time--- " The Book of Made-up Bullsh*t".
    Chapter One is titled "How to Say I Was Afraid!" with the proper amount of sincerity, of course.


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