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Monday, August 25, 2014

There's No Need For Our Veterans To Obtain Healthcare...

You know, the very people who risked and gave their lives to protect this Country, especially since our local Law Enforcement need to convert the military equipment to fit their wants and needs.

Our Soldiers can't even get Kevlar Vests to protect their lives, yet the SPD and WCSO have the need to request armored vehicles. Oh, and your Congress wants to outlaw Kevlar Vests for OUR own protection. 

I personally have a very close friend fighting cancer and is on dialysis, he is a military VETERAN. While recently hospitalized and extremely weak, the VA demanded he make a trip to Baltimore to fill his prescriptions. He was not strong enough to go so his Family had to pony up $800.00 to fill his prescriptions and they will NOT be reimbursed.

It makes me sick to my stomach that Law Enforcement is taking advantage of our Veterans. They should have to PAY for these vehicles and ALL of that funding to go directly to Veterans who actually TOOK ONE, or even their lives for even the local LE agencies. IF they had to PAY for it, how many of YOU think it would fly with the taxpayers?

Shame on ALL of them.  ANY American who votes for another politician who supports all of the above is a traitor. 


  1. I could not have said it better.

  2. This is treason.... our diabaled vets should be at the head of the line for everything....


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