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Monday, August 11, 2014

The United States’ Biggest “Allies” Are Funding ISIS

Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar & Turkey all back terror group

President Barack Obama’s authorization of air strikes on ISIS targets in Iraq serves as an opportunity to remind ourselves which countries are bankrolling the deadly terror group.

The answer; Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Turkey and Qatar – three of the United States’ biggest allies in the region.

Last night Obama announced limited air strikes to slow the advance of ISIS fighters and help members of the Yazidi religious minority group who were forced to flee into a mountainous region in the north of Iraq to avoid slaughter.

However, the administration has failed to put pressure on several Gulf states that are directly responsible for helping ISIS gain a foothold in Iraq in the first place.



  1. Paul Adams FDNY Retired 9/11August 11, 2014 at 7:00 PM

    19 of the hijackers on 9/11 where made US Citizens from Saudi arabia, this next comment i am going to make is what i went through 2 days before 9/11 i was sitting in a church in NJ watching my niece get christened, everyone left i sat in the church with a blank stare my sister vame up to me and asked whats wrong, I replied i have. A bad feeling something is going to happen to me, 2 days later 9/11 happened and i found myself right in the middle of it, anyway i am not phycic. But the way things are going i have a bad feeling we are going to get hit again within not 2 days but 2 years,i hope i am wrong, anyway godbless America and our Veterans.

  2. Obama has had more Muslim extremists in the White House than congressional members.
    Obama has gotten the world into a BIG mess with his extremist ideology and incompetence.

  3. Obama will have them funded by the UN soon, and the ISIS members will be members!

  4. 9:00 Our own Gov't already funds them with money and weapons and so does thee UN, Obama is Muslim he wants us destroyed, when he ran for Pres. back in 08 he made a statement that America has been number 1 for way too long, reason why he opened our borders ISIS stated many times they will fly their flag at white house, they will with the help of Obama.

  5. Paul,
    I think you are phycic.

    You are also a bad speller.

    1. Sorry I messed up one letter in a word my bad. PA

    2. YEAHi it must be nice coming from a perfect world, what a fn moron, at least the guy put his name on it ? Mr Annon.


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