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Sunday, August 24, 2014

The new street drug to watch: Acetyl fentanyl

Emergency doctors may soon see larger numbers of patients who appear to have overdosed on heroin, but have actually taken a relatively new and deadly designer drug called acetyl fentanyl, a researcher says.

Acetyl fentanyl is a relative of a powerful prescription painkiller called fentanyl and is five times more potent than heroin as a painkiller, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The illegally produced compound may be secretly mixed with heroin to make it a more potent product, or may be sold in pills disguised as oxycodone.

"What's frightening about this emerging street drug is that users themselves may not be aware that they are ingesting it," drug researcher John Stogner, of the department of criminal justice and criminology at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, said in a statement.



  1. New?? Not really--the addicts like to CHEW the patches...not to mention the heroin laced with the stuff...when people die from the heroin laced with it, guess what the heroin users locked up say??---"I can't wait to get some of it". The reasoning is that if people are dying from it, it must be "really good".

  2. Designer drug , WTF . Nice description!


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