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Friday, August 22, 2014

Study Finds 25% of Troops Use Food Banks

A new study suggests that 25 percent of troops in active duty, Guard and the Reserve use food banks to provide groceries and meals for themselves or their families.

The study sponsored by Feeding America, the nation's largest food bank network, is conducted once every four years and was based on data collected in 2012. It found that four percent of surveyed households who used a food bank contained a currently serving military member.

Based on those results, Feeding America officials estimated that 620,000 of their 46.5 million customers, or about 25 percent of the military population in 2012, used food banks.

"We find it disheartening," said Maura Daly, a spokesman for Feeding America. "We know from our food banks anecdotally that they have seen a dramatic increase in the number of military families that they are serving over the last several years. We weren't surprised that the need is there. We were a little surprised by how much need is there, and we believe that this is just the beginning of understanding this issue."

The study did not differentiate between Guard and Reserve or active duty members, creating no way to tell what portion of the four percent are inactive guard or Reservists, who may have vastly different monthly income and different assistance needs as compared to active duty members.



  1. Fn disgraceful. ..

  2. Yep - food banks for the heroes.

    And when they get hurt - screw them. The VA will shuffle them around in a paperwork nightmare until they die.

    We do NOT honor those who kill in our names. We treat them like cattle (goy).

  3. Yes, disgraceful. Take the millions going to illegal and put it where it deserves to go.

  4. This country is totally backwards.

  5. When I was a Sergeant on Active Duty with the Marine Corps in North Carolina, we got food stamps and WIC for our newborn daughter because of my income. I got promoted a couple of times which put us over the threshold for the benefits - but I still didn't make much.

    That was thirty years ago and I don't expect it is any different today.

    I don't believe in redistribution of wealth - I do believe in paying people for the importance of their jobs.....our freedom defenders are not compensated remotely close to what they should be based on what they do and the risks they face!

  6. Sad to say...but truth. If the youth of this country had any skills or alternatives they would not be jumping into uniforms. This is their LAST resort to survive people. They become a burden to the rest of us because our government does not recognize this as a career move but for a small chosen few.


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