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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Steele: Rand Paul is most dangerous man in politics right now to breaking down left-right paradigm


  1. Go Dr. Danger!! Get ready for an indictment!!

  2. It just goes to show that the 2 party system is artificial. When we act like Americans, and not Democrats or Republicans, we'll take our country back.

  3. Why is Rand Paul a threat? Is it because he spans the huge gap left open between the far right and the far left? Is it because he is not afraid to voice his opinions that do not fit nicely into either parties paradigm but are popular among informed voters?

    He's a threat because he makes sense and if you want to maintain the status quo you can't try to solve problems. Your focus is only on keeping populations divided.

  4. 3:20 What does that mean really? That both parties are corrupt? I would agree with that. How does acting like an American get our country back? Not hard to act like something you already are. I would say vague platitudes are not going to take this country "back". It is going to take someone (with the backing of a lot of Americans) that has the guts and moral character to stand up against the evil that has come in like a flood with this last nightmare regime. Rand Paul is one of the best choices I see so far regardless of D, R, I and whatever.

  5. don't fall for it Rand Paul is the man with the plan ...remember NWOs plan is ..keep em separated ..create hostility and fear ..silence the opposition...and keep them ignorant..

  6. President Rand Paul, Secretary of Treasury Ron Paul dissolve the Fed and audit Fort Knox as America prospers with reestablished gold standard. Obama returns to Kenya.

  7. I used to think his dad was a nutjob. He had more right than anyone else.


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