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Sunday, August 17, 2014

St. Mary's County Teachers Plan a "Back to Basics" Work Action

"We remain committed to our students, and no area of instruction will be compromised. However, our teachers can no longer work for free and continually get passed over year after year for salary increases." ~Anna Laughlin

Teachers in St. Mary's County plan to stop doing the "extras" and will focus only on instruction as part of a protest over pay, union officials said Monday.

When classes begin next week, the majority of the teachers in the school district plan to participate in a "back to basics" job action that includes refusing to give homework, work overtime, volunteer for extracurricular activities and contact parents after school hours.



  1. Good for them. We sat out our raises for years waiting to play catch up. And our pensions were massively affected. We lost a great number of stellar teachers to other countes because of it too. Naysayers can damn us all you want, but when I sign a contract for a stated rate of pay, and am promised increases and bust my butt for the kids with over 60 hours a week in (not to mention extra time calling parents from home) and have to compromise my own families food budget due to this, and am now bringing home less pay than I did in 2008 due to increases in everything... It makes one cringe for the teachers that do give a damn and deserve their pay.

  2. Since jobs are scarce and wages are on a downward spiral for most people out there, I say fire them all. There are plenty of others out there looking for work.

  3. I agree to a point, but ALL of us are suffering out here. Sad part is most of the low info teachers voted for the idiots who are causing this problem. Most of the teachers are flaming liberals and don't understand why they're in the mess they're in. Because you didn't want to rock the boat and go against the UNION, you had to go along to get along. NOT. You could have revolted, resisted, protested long ago, but you chose not to.

    Obama called us bible totin', gun clinging, people from the beginning. well I happen to be a bible totin', gun clinging, chicken eatin' Eastern Shore Professional and you can take that to the bank.

  4. Teachers in wicomico county aren't smart enough to stand on their own. They need Annapolis to tell them what to do

  5. Maybe the union will stop collecting dues for a few years to help their members…. NOT!

  6. Many of us teachers are finally getting out of the NEA. Most of the money supports libs. We were mostly stuck because of personal liability insurance. I agree all the flaming libs keep voting but bring the rest of us down. Were not all libs.

  7. I say good for them but at the same time I think of all the other county or city workers out there who haven't seen either a salary raise nor a cost of living raise. I am in a college educated profession that is trained to save your life and 90% of us haven't received any form of additional pay in over 6 years.

    Maybe my profession needs to "go back to basics" as well. Since almost all of us also volunteer countless hours each year for our community, maybe we need to say NO and stop volunteering. Maybe when the citizens realize just how much they need us we will begin to receive competitive pay.

  8. 5:34, Be happy you have a job. Be even happier we provide an anonymous option.

    1. @ 5:36

      Joe I'm not a city employee, as I'm sure you were assuming I was.

      To be honest Joe I wish the city would do as you and your sheeple crave and let the city run all volunteer on fire. I'd love to watch your beloved fix fail and you all have to eat crow.

  9. anonymous 6:00, First of all I didn't say Salisbury should have a 100% volunteer Department.

    UPPER MANAGEMENT has been discouraging Volunteers for MANY years because these selfish jackasses simply want job security at taxpayers expense.

    Too many Chiefs and not enough Indians.

    Now, once again, the fact that you wish harm or bad things for the very people that pay your salary is just SICK. I don't care if you work for the City of Salisbury. You admit you work for a municipality and I can only hope you get discovered and fired.

    Good people take on jobs like you have because their heart is in the right place. Yours is not.

  10. Teachers give so many extra hours for science night, math night, McDonald's night, carnival night, plus lesson planning, calling parents, checking papers, preparing tests on their own time. Work to rule is only fair since most other jobs don't require a large number of unpaid hours at night to prepare for the job the next day. PTA meetings, faculty meetings, etc., are required.

  11. that's just wonderful 7:45, but understand there are many out here who have to do similar xtras.
    we work year round and don't have "breaks". we have NO pension plans and our benefits are lacking at best. our pay hasn't increased in years and you know the cost of living has sky rocketed.

    you chose to stay with the da-n union, not only to your detriment, but to ours. our children continue to suffer and lag behind even some 3rd. world countries in some areas. the government schools are a dismal failure and the teachers wouldn't speak out because of the UNIONS. enough of covering your a$$.

  12. If you think kids lag behind because of teachers, take a look at the welfare system where having lots of kids is the only job some folks have. Give a carpenter two popsicle sticks and tell him to build a dining room suite, then blame his union if he can't do it.

  13. Maybe you teachers really do need to go "Back to basics". That way, all the added paperwork you are forced to do to "teach to the test" and fill our qualifying forms and adjusting grades to qualify for grant money would be replaced with giving our kids a real education. You know, like showing them how learning real life skills can get them jobs to pull their own weight with their brothers and sisters! Quality of education would be tenfold, parents and employers would all be thrilled, and you would have deserved your raise.

    But, no. You won't do that. You will continue to go along to get along, and our kids will continue to fail, and you will continue to qualify for your dismal wages without raises.

    That's the choice YOU make.

    Show me you're worth it, and I'll pay you. But you have to show me the product first.


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