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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Sheriff's Department Explains Robin Williams Death

Robin Williams Hung Himself.

Personal assistant found him.


  1. So Sad....I loved watching "Mork and Mindy" in the late 70's.....such a talented actor...

  2. So very sad!
    Took a permanent solution to what might have been a temporary problem. I can't judge him, because we all have our crosses to bare. May he find the peace in heaven that he wasn't able to find here on earth. He brought a lot of laughter and happiness in both movies and TV. The great ones are all leave us!

  3. It was not a temporary problem nor was he lonely. He suffered from depression most of his life. He was done feeling that way. If you have never known someone who suffered from, nor suffered yourself, please keep your ignoramus mouth shut. May he never feel sorrow again. RIP.

  4. 2:51..CHILL OUT..they are just offering their condolences. Not everyone is as well versed as you may be or have been, but jeez, lay off bad mouthing people who are genuinely doing the best they can. Not everyone can be perfect like you. Apparently you knew he wasn't lonely and that it may have not been temporary..did you know this personally through him?

  5. 3:15
    Sounds like you need to take your medicine!

  6. 2:51 Actually loneliness is one of the more common symptoms of depression.

  7. 3:50 may the bird of paradise crap on your empathetic head. Hahaha

  8. 3:50...ha-ha. I suppose it is ok to call people ignoramus like the previous post..what say you

  9. 3:50..this is 2:51. Sounds like you are trying to change the subject and redirect my comment.

  10. Depression can make a person feel lonely in a room full of people.


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