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Friday, August 08, 2014

SFD Calls For Service 8-7-14

  • Thursday August, 7 2014 @ 21:11 Nature: Petroleum SpillAddress: 2221 Armstrong Pkwy Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Thursday August, 7 2014 @ 20:46Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Thursday August, 7 2014 @ 19:57Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Thursday August, 7 2014 @ 19:38Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Thursday August, 7 2014 @ 18:46Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Thursday August, 7 2014 @ 17:25Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Thursday August, 7 2014 @ 16:58Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Thursday August, 7 2014 @ 16:55Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Thursday August, 7 2014 @ 15:21Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Thursday August, 7 2014 @ 14:20Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Thursday August, 7 2014 @ 14:12Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Thursday August, 7 2014 @ 13:56Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Thursday August, 7 2014 @ 13:33 Nature: Automatic AlarmAddress: 100 E Carroll St Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Thursday August, 7 2014 @ 12:50 Nature: Automatic AlarmAddress: 351 Deers Head Hospital Rd Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Thursday August, 7 2014 @ 04:23Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Thursday August, 7 2014 @ 04:21Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury


  1. I SAVE LIVES, WHAT DO YOU DO?August 8, 2014 at 2:21 PM

    Gee, it's good to see that Chief Hopeless and Jim 'bury Ireton are wasting the taxpayers money by supporting 60 overpaid and underworked farmin. Readers, I wonder how many of these legal loafers are residents of the City of Salisbury and are adding to the tax base by paying property taxes and the like?

  2. It's rediculious what these
    fireman make & have free at their
    access with no more fires then
    they have each yr.
    A disgrace to the City taxpayers!!! Make the cuts----go
    back to the volunteers!

  3. Truth is there has been paid firemen since almost the beginning. There will always be paid firemen. It helps to keep your insurance rates down. So you would be complaining when your rates go up. You will be paying one way or the other. So why not have them and have peace of mind that when you call you will get someone fast. The demographics of Salisbury does not lend itself to an all volunteer department. A great majority are renters, of which do not care enough to much of anything. Then there is a large population of seniors. The rest are your working class that would not be available during working hours. People have families, and want to spend time with them. These are just some reasons that there is a duty crew available to you the citizens. I am a firefighter/ paramedic, and I love my job. I am always trying to better myself by training and taking classes. The better I am, the better service I can provide to the citizens of Salisbury. Whether I am on a fire piece or in the back of the medic, I always try to give 110%. What is discouraging is day after day, reading the negative comments on here. It often makes me wonder why I stay. Many paramedics leave for better pay and to run less calls. The truth is many of them Salisbury because there are a lot of exciting calls and comradary. Instead of always complaining and bashing why do you not become a volunteer at one of the three stations. Truth is they could use more volunteers. We cannot do it with out them, and guess what they know they cannot do it without us.

    1. @ 5:02

      So very true.

      Also for some reason everyone seems to think that responding to a fire is the only thing a firefighter should do (or does). They don't realize that every and any vehicle accident requires the response of a fire truck & crew. They don't realize what actually goes on at an accident scene. They don't realize that the fire truck is used to provide a safe barrier from traffic, or that the fire truck is what has the rescue tools and clean up supplies on it. Or that you always want to have a fire hose close by incase all those leaking fluids spark a fire. Oh not to mention the vehicle stabilization equipment on each fire truck. That's just one type of call that doesn't involve fire that requires the response of a fire truck.

      Now at the same time I don't agree that Salisbury needs two 24/7 fire crews plus a mon-fri 7-5 fire crew. Especially while the three ambulance crews run like crazy. I think that Salisbury would be better served if one of those fire crews were broken down into two additional ambulance crews.

      The real issue with the public is that they are just misinformed or educated on how fire/EMS system works.

  4. I SAVE LIVES, WHAT DO YOU DO? said...
    Gee, it's good to see that Chief Hopeless and Jim 'bury Ireton are wasting the taxpayers money by supporting 60 overpaid and underworked farmin. Readers, I wonder how many of these legal loafers are residents of the City of Salisbury and are adding to the tax base by paying property taxes and the like?

    August 8, 2014 at 2:21 PM

    Guess what BOZO!! I know for a fact that NO, N. O. fire department employees live in the City limits and pay City taxes. Not you or your sainted Cheef Hopeless so quit feeding the readers a bunch of bullshit you can't back up.

  5. Actually there is employees that live in city limits AND pay city taxes.

  6. 6:06, If there are there are very few, (if any).

  7. Anonymous said...
    Truth is there has been paid firemen since almost the beginning. There will always be paid firemen. It helps to keep your insurance rates down. So you would be complaining when your rates go up. You will be paying one way or the other. So why not have them and have peace of mind that when you call you will get someone fast. The demographics of Salisbury does not lend itself to an all volunteer department. A great majority are renters, of which do not care enough to much of anything. Then there is a large population of seniors. The rest are your working class that would not be available during working hours. People have families, and want to spend time with them. These are just some reasons that there is a duty crew available to you the citizens. I am a firefighter/ paramedic, and I love my job. I am always trying to better myself by training and taking classes. The better I am, the better service I can provide to the citizens of Salisbury. Whether I am on a fire piece or in the back of the medic, I always try to give 110%. What is discouraging is day after day, reading the negative comments on here. It often makes me wonder why I stay. Many paramedics leave for better pay and to run less calls. The truth is many of them Salisbury because there are a lot of exciting calls and comradary. Instead of always complaining and bashing why do you not become a volunteer at one of the three stations. Truth is they could use more volunteers. We cannot do it with out them, and guess what they know they cannot do it without us.

    August 8, 2014 at 5:02 PM

    I can't stand it when paid firemen get on here and lie about the Salisbury Fire Department just to justify their jobs. There has never always been paid firefighters in Salisbury and to say there always will be is wrong. Wait till the first Mayor and council realizes that their insurance rates won't got down if they opt to lay off the paid firemen and recruit more volunteers. Paid firemen for a piece of mind...LMAO. A piece of mind would happen when paid firemen are laid off and my taxes go down. You are misinformed and trying to misinform the public. If you don't like reading comments on here then don't read them. DUH!!! We don't feel sorry for you.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Actually there is employees that live in city limits AND pay city taxes.

    August 8, 2014 at 6:06 PM

    None, absolutely none. If there was you would have named them.

    1. Andy LeCates
      Kara Harrington
      Rob Garcia

  9. None said...
    @ 5:02

    So very true.

    Also for some reason everyone seems to think that responding to a fire is the only thing a firefighter should do (or does). They don't realize that every and any vehicle accident requires the response of a fire truck & crew. They don't realize what actually goes on at an accident scene. They don't realize that the fire truck is used to provide a safe barrier from traffic, or that the fire truck is what has the rescue tools and clean up supplies on it. Or that you always want to have a fire hose close by incase all those leaking fluids spark a fire. Oh not to mention the vehicle stabilization equipment on each fire truck. That's just one type of call that doesn't involve fire that requires the response of a fire truck.

    Now at the same time I don't agree that Salisbury needs two 24/7 fire crews plus a mon-fri 7-5 fire crew. Especially while the three ambulance crews run like crazy. I think that Salisbury would be better served if one of those fire crews were broken down into two additional ambulance crews.

    The real issue with the public is that they are just misinformed or educated on how fire/EMS system works.

    August 8, 2014 at 6:50 PM

    Um.. NONE is such an idiot and to stupid to get a job in Salisbury.

    Quit lying about every car accident requires a fire truck to respond. Absolute BULLSHIT. The Salisbury Fire Department never ran on car accidents until about 10 or so years ago when Chief Higgins was convinced to let them respond with the ambulance. He didn't want to do it, but he did under pressure. They only ran on reported rescues. Now engine only responds on car accidents with the ambulance when it is toned out.

    There are so many car accidents where the ambulance or fire truck never responds so quit your lame lie off of here.

  10. 3. of 60. And we need 20 to run the Dept. and the rest could be volunteers


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