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Friday, August 01, 2014

Senate Democrats' Bill Puts Foot in the Door for Gun Confiscation

On July 29 Senators Tim Kaine (D-VA), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), and Chris Murphy (D-CT) introduced legislation encouraging states to "[seize] firearms when adjudicating or responding to domestic violence situations."

Called the Domestic Violence Gun Homicide Prevention Act of 2014, the bill works by "[granting] incentives to states that match or exceed current federal domestic violence gun prohibitions."

According to the Roanoke Free Press, Kaine described the legislation as "commonsense." He said "domestic violence fatalities are far too common in Virginia" and the Domestic Violence Gun Homicide Prevention Act of 2014 will "provide critical protection to abuse victims."



  1. By "sieze firearms", they mean "kill anyone with a gun", because that is what it will come down to when they start trying to involuntarily disarm American citizens.

  2. Molon Labe
    Englishified Greek for "Come and get it." Pronounced "Moh-lone Lah-Veh". Common context is in relation to firearms and firearm laws, as a declaration to be made to anyone that wishes to confiscate your gun(s).

    Originates from King Leonidas of Sparta, in a message to King Xerxes of Persia, when an overwhelming Persian army demanded that 300 Spartan warriors drop their weapons. Leonidas replied "Molon Labe" (Come and get them) and 300 of his Spartans, and Leonidas himself, were killed, but in so doing killed took huge tolls on the enemy and stalled the Persian army for long enough to let the rest of Greece prepare themselves for the war.
    If someone comes to take your guns, tell them "Molon Labe".

  3. This will never get past the House and may not even survive committee in the Senate. This bill will be seen for exactly what it is, another try at a gun grab.


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